更新於 2020/11/10閱讀時間約 5 分鐘

walking around Soy Street / 閒逛鼔油街

    I was working till 7:45 pm tonight, that's why I wasn't able to update my travel post at noon, sorry about that.
    今日做野做到7:45先收工, 所以日頭冇辦法update 旅遊帖,實在抱歉.
    Yesterday I introduced the Fa Yuen Street (Sport Shoes Street) to you guys, today I am going to introduce the Soy Street where is next to Fa Yuen Street
    琴日同大家介紹左花園街 (波鞋街), 今日一於介紹佢隔離個條鼔油街.
    This street is not selling Soy ok, they do have many good shops for snacks and good HK Style cafe around, say, you can see the "明苑粉麵" on above picture where you can enjoy the fabulous Wonton noodles there.
    大家唔好比條街名呃左,呢條街絕對唔係賣鼔油, 大家係到可以吃到好多不同既小食或者港式茶餐廳. 例如上圖既明苑粉麵, 大家係個到可以吃到好正既港式雲吞麵
    If the wonton noddle is not a cup of your tea, you may try the Taiwanese fried chicken cutlet in this Hot Star shop, this shop is very famous in Taiwan, their chicken cutlet is incredibly big and tasty, you must add it in your to eat list if you are fancy in the fried stuff.
    如果雲吞麵唔啱心水, 你可以試下呢家係台灣好出名既豪大大雞排, 佢地啲雞扒又大塊又好食.鐘意食香口野既你,一定要試.
    Alright, I know some ladies might on diet and cannot take such fried stuff, what about the Japanese cake as dessert ? There is a brand new Hokkaido Milk cake shop where is opposite to the Hot Star Shop, I bet you will love it.
    OK OK, 我知有啲靚女要減肥,唔可以食煎炸野, 咁不如吃下日式蛋糕做甜品哩? 係豪大大雞扒對面開左間新既北海道牛乳蛋糕. 包你愛上.
    Needing no explanation, you can tell they are good when you see people still willing to queue for the cake under the super hot weather.
    唔使講野, 你見到啲人熱到嘔電都仲肯去排隊,就知係好野.
    One of their hot sell product: Eel with smashed potato tart and cheese tart
    佢地其中一款熱賣食品, 鰻魚薯蓉撻同芝士撻
    Don't know what cake is it as they don't have description there lol
    You might visit the Claw Machine shop to try your luck after having all the snacks, dessert, noddle.
    吃完靚野, 你可以去玩下夾公仔機, 試下運氣.
    I feel sorry I can't write too long and detail today as I am quite dizzy look at the computer screen, I will try to write longer in my next post, wish you guys would love my article today.
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