更新於 2024/12/23閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

鑽石貓:The TTP is never wrong

2020/12/24 摩摩喳喳收到一份鑽石貓寄來的聖誕卡 --- 宣布今後將是貓的世界。
鑽石貓同時公布Think-Tank Party 的最新黨章,希望大家詳讀:
The Rules of Think-Tank Party that guide all TTP members.
Rules 1. TTP always make the Rules. The Other Party should never completely understand all these TTP party rules.
Rule 2. The Rules are always subject to change without notification. The Other Party should not attempt to change these rules since they will never understand all these rules.
Rule 3.If the Other Party think they could try to understand any of these rules,the TTP member should immediately change it,
Rule 4. The TTP is never wrong
Rule 5. If the TTP appears to be wrong, it must be a fragrant of illusion or hallucination of the Other Party.
Rule 6 If Rule 5 applies, the Other Party should apologize for causing the misunderstanding.
Rule 7 The TTP has the right to be upset in any situation when deal with the Other Party.
Rule 8.All TTP members should agree with each other all the time. If they don’t,it’s the Other Party’s fault.
Rule 9. All TTP members are equal, but the Queen is more equal than others.
Rule 10.The Queen of TTP party is the most intelligent spirit ever created in this world.

「鑽石貓真了不起。」摩摩喳喳問蓮子心說:「 我應該要加入 TTP 嗎?」
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