2021-03-20|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

fOOd_Q031921Efriday_Cooperate& 合作

    When clay meets painting, mind meets body, male meets female, each role enjoys being herself and inputs the strength accordingly.  Bring optimism and the positive with us, enjoy the harmony of life and nature.  For these 3 books, I gather them as a team, due to the inspiration by the title and the content.  In my reading again, I pay more attentions to drawing themselves.  Time has been even paused, I can’t help to watch the drawing itself, both the details and the whole.  Indeed enjoy, deeply appreciate.Ps. 合作手做與繪畫, 我心與自身, 祖父與祖母; 融合了彼此, 創作了美好, 自然而然地. 油畫筆觸, 黏土立體, 倍增巧緻, 實在趣味; 手做繪畫, 生動演述, 清楚呈現, 完整映像. 善用暈染, 形塑主角, 啟蒙之前, 那不確定; 其餘景物, 寫實明確, 靜靜對比; 極簡色彩, 生動繪出, 求知積極. 心願身伸, 想法做法, 轉個彎後, 就暢通啦. 隨心自在, 順勢遨遊.雕刻般輪廓, 剪紙般俐落, 詩詞般意涵; 穩. 一頁頁, 看著; 一幅幅, 賞著; 如在美術館.人生片段, 純樸呈現; 雋永美德, 含蓄傳續; 愛戀情誼, 祖孫同樂, 甜蜜繽紛, 存進心中. Pps. Outdoors AND Indoors: 透透氣囉, 外出走走. 計畫逛逛, 圖書館們; 映入眼簾, 心之所向, 類伴手禮, 回家享用; 通閱便利. 週邊鮮境, 順路走走, 如此旅遊, 也是一種. Ppps. fOOd:食糧種類, 千樣萬種; 吃些什麼, 細心謹慎, 自己掌握; 變成如何? 就, 順其自然! ~ @@HAVE A NICE DAY!!  Sincerely Yours, ~ Love365**
    When clay meets painting, mind meets body, male meets female, each role enjoys being herself and inputs the strength accordingly. Bring optimism and the positive with us, enjoy the harmony of life and nature. For these 3 books, I gather them as a team, due to the inspiration by the title and the content. In my reading again, I pay more attentions to drawing themselves. Time has been even paused, I can’t help to watch the drawing itself, both the details and the whole. Indeed enjoy, deeply appreciate. Ps. 合作 手做與繪畫, 我心與自身, 祖父與祖母; 融合了彼此, 創作了美好, 自然而然地. 油畫筆觸, 黏土立體, 倍增巧緻, 實在趣味; 手做繪畫, 生動演述, 清楚呈現, 完整映像. 善用暈染, 形塑主角, 啟蒙之前, 那不確定; 其餘景物, 寫實明確, 靜靜對比; 極簡色彩, 生動繪出, 求知積極. 心願身伸, 想法做法, 轉個彎後, 就暢通啦. 隨心自在, 順勢遨遊. 雕刻般輪廓, 剪紙般俐落, 詩詞般意涵; 穩. 一頁頁, 看著; 一幅幅, 賞著; 如在美術館. 人生片段, 純樸呈現; 雋永美德, 含蓄傳續; 愛戀情誼, 祖孫同樂, 甜蜜繽紛, 存進心中. Pps. Outdoors AND Indoors: 透透氣囉, 外出走走. 計畫逛逛, 圖書館們; 映入眼簾, 心之所向, 類伴手禮, 回家享用; 通閱便利. 週邊鮮境, 順路走走, 如此旅遊, 也是一種. Ppps. fOOd: 食糧種類, 千樣萬種; 吃些什麼, 細心謹慎, 自己掌握; 變成如何? 就, 順其自然! ~ @@HAVE A NICE DAY!! Sincerely Yours, ~ Love365**
    Share what I got, from the NATURE. ~ 隨遇而拍, 順心飛翔, 提筆如意. Ps. Movies I Enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtmDGNyd1s9YWm_PPF7jrYXZZQI6mhFwh
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