更新於 2021/04/05閱讀時間約 12 分鐘

奇點望遠鏡#3 ft.陳信生 創業牧師對風險價值的信念與對新職籃聯盟的期許

本集邀請的嘉賓是一位創業圈中知名的「牧師」,陳信生(Phil Chen) 是htc首席去中心化長、Race Capital 合夥人,對於創業與創投有許多自己的看法,到底創投看見與承擔的風險是什麼?又是因為什麼樣的洞見、看見黑人陳建州的什麼亮點因而願意成為 P.League+ 職籃聯盟的投資人?
  • 什麼是創投、VC(Venture Capital)?
  • 實際上的創投怎麼看事情的?
  • 數字之外,創投怎麼評估一個好的項目?
  • 為什麼矽谷幫願意投資 P.League+ ?
  • 原來NBA球星也有投資P.League+?

I want to first talk about why I love basketball and why all of us love basketball, whether playing it or watching people play.I think beyond the team work, the leadership, the athleticism, I think it touches upon us something deeper.
And that is that people are equal and on the basketball court, and this game allows for us to be equal on the court.
It doesn’t matter if you’re aboriginal or if you’re local, it doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor.
If you have a pair of sneakers you can go out and compete.
Work to get better, and understand your place within the context of team.And so much of basketball teaches us about life. The game of life. How life works.
Show me how a person plays the game of basketball, and I’ll show you how they live, how they negotiate at work, and how they treat people, their friends and their family.But today is about plus league and my friend and brother blackie.
My background is in venture capital. I primarily invest in Silicon Valley. And previously I was in HK working for Lee Kai Shing and his venture capital fund.
I got the chance to meet the best entrepreneurs in the world, including the founders of zoom which Horizons invested in back in 2015 I believe.Blackie often jokes among us that he is from 體育班
He’s sort of making fun of himself as someone who is not good with books or academics, something Taiwan culture puts a huge premium on.
But in venture capital, in innovation and entrepreneurship, we talk a lot about what makes someone successful. often it’s not what university they went to.
There are so many difficulties in life to do something big and great, that the tests and university context doesn’t prepare you for.
what I’ve seen blackie do, is that he has the wisdom from the streets. He knows how to work with the corporate, the government, and also just the kid off the street with no background that just wants to play basketball and even the hater that continues to attack him on social media.
The other thing people ask me about what i see in an entrepreneur when i make a decision about investing or not, is what i call the persistence index.
I look at entrepreneur when they’re pitching this dream they have. And i ask myself, at what point, when the shit hits the fan, will this person give up.
I see blackie and the conviction in his eyes and the difficulties he faced in life. And i say to myself, I’m scared for whoever is trying to stop him because this guy will never give up.
This line 二十年磨一劍 means he’s worked for the past 20 years to do this.I think all of us here that invested. Chris wang, sold his company to disney. Jameson, sold his company to facebook. Steve, who is not here, sold his company to google. Kai, sold his company to Activision all get really excited when we meet an entrepreneur that can execute, that has deep domain knowledge, and finally, has the opportunity to go beyond Taiwan.Taiwan has so many things to share to this world. And watching blackie how he works with people from corporate, to government, and also through his experience at ABL able to work with people from other countries, show how much of a team player he is on both the basketball court and also in the game of life.I’m excited to be a part of this journey. I think there will be many difficulties ahead. But Blackie has this cross tattooed on his leg, which means he’s ready for a lot of suffering and challenges ahead. And while he faces these challenges ahead, I’ll be right there with him on this road.Thank you.
一個人的成功不是學校給的分數而是她們追求夢想的堅持,謙卑不斷學習的態度,以及人脈信用。不管事大公司的董事長或是政府官員,或是只想打籃球的加油站小弟, 黑人都有建立很真誠的關係我常常被問 看那麼多世界級的創業家如何決定投資那一位
something i call persistence mileage.
花了20年的謙卑,建立信任,不斷學習就是為了熱愛籃球,並相信籃球可以帶來社會的一些改變。我認為我們這裡的投資人都知道創業的困難。克里斯·王(Chris wang),將公司賣給了迪士尼。Jameson將公司賣給了Facebook。Kai 的新創賣給activision. 不在這裡Steve 將公司賣給了Google。還有Kevin 公司賣給了amazon. 當我們遇到黑人這種創業家時,我們非常興奮,因為他不但具有很深厚的籃球界領域知識 他也有國際市場的視野因為疫情台灣成為世界的標榜,黑人是台灣團體精神正能量最佳大使。我很高興能參與這個旅程。我認為未來會有很多困難。黑人身上刺了一個十字架,這意味著他已經準備好未來的苦難和挑戰。在他面對這些挑戰的同時,我們會和他一起在這條路上努力。謝謝。
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