Reaching the higher body temperature, getting the target heart beats, the blood travels even happily, through the whole body, Cheeks, lightly-pink colored, Skin, is cleaned physically, after wiping the sweats. Body, is totally refreshed, after the shower. Erase the un-necessary! Be cool, in the LOVEly method! Easily Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 體溫升, 流出汗, 好耶. 用毛巾, 擦去汗, 乾爽!沐浴後, 洗掉汗, 舒暢!Pps. 今晨跑, 後半段, 體力, 挑戰中; 潔白羽, 鳥群, V字形, 飛翔著; 打氣. 高興著, 轉過頭, 告知, 晨運班, 男同學; “ 有耶, 看到了! 好漂亮!” 他說. 他臉上, 那笑容; 真誠! 兩助力, 如此地, 實在! 所以囉, 鬆了口氣; 今日晨跑, 順利成功!