藝術文化 vs. 科學、科技與商業

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Art is considered an essential part of all cultures throughout the world. However, these days fewer and fewer people appreciate art and turn their focus to science, technology and business.
Why do you think that it? What could be done to encourage more people to take interest in the arts?
In recent years, technology development has transformed people’s life in different aspects, such as digital communication, online shopping, and distance learning. Many believe that artificial intelligence, virtual reality, social trading solutions, and biotechnology may entirely change the future world. Therefore, technological corporations, pharmaceutical companies, and many more entrepreneurs continuously strive for business opportunities and any chance to make a big fortune in science and technology related fields. As a result of this inclination, more and more people seem incorporate digital transformation into career, education, and personal lives. In terms of this technology-oriented mind-set, there is a tendency to disregard art because it has no direct connection with business. This may be argued that art is still considered an essential part of all cultures throughout the world.
Technology has been the most predominant trend not only in business, but also in daily life. Most industries have devoted to this contemporary fashion in the name of bringing a more convenient and brilliant future. Thus, many people believe that it would be out-of-date if they do not embrace any innovative gadgets or technological solutions. They point out that opening to something new is the common social norm in this digital era. In addition, giant corporations even advocate that man by his efforts can conquer nature. In this case, they could brainwash people’s mind and stimulate this social change according to their big picture of business expansion.
Yet, it is unrealistic to think that technology and science are the only solutions of achieving a better life. I feel that innovations and monetization are prioritized into the first place when making decisions. This way of thinking becomes a serious problem in many cultures. The cost to society is great. Hierarchy of social status has become huge because not every individual could enjoy the benefits of innovative products and services. Furthermore, cultures are formed in many aspects, including arts, beliefs, customs, rituals, religions, laws, and habits. Technology shall be regarded as a tool to facilitate the operation of everyday life. It is risky for human beings to only focus on technological innovations but neglect other important social learnings in societies.
According to dictionary, art is defined by the expression or application of human creative skills and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. This represents importance of education for imagination, creativity, and appreciation of beauty. In the process of producing art works, great degree of concentration is mandatory. It benefits relaxation of anxiety and stress. Next, creative activities could also consist of music, dance, theatre, cinema, comics, and literature. These are not only forms of preserving culture, but also a universal form of communication. People who speak different languages could connect with each other and have the same feelings through art activities. They could perceive themselves as being part of the community. This is a very significant social learning to respect others’ cultures which may reduce misunderstandings from prejudice and bias. It helps to harmonize the society and the world. Finally, I think that we can learn how society changes based on art works. Take Ancient Egyptians for example, without funerary texts, mural paintings, monumental sculptures, and pyramids, we would not know their culture, history, and social values.
In conclusion, with development of technology, the arts could be designed in more innovative formats. Art shall not be privileged and owned by the wealth. Thanks to escalation of new media, art works could be praised and learnt in various media platforms. On one hand, this reduces gaps between different social classes. On the other hand, it opens a new dialogue to digital generations. National Palace Museum in Taiwan has done diverse projects to engross the minds of people for Chinese imperial artifacts and artworks. These projects incorporate art, technology, and new media communication, such as Instagram and Facebook fan page. In this case, not only the youth, but also all generations could be attracted into the arts.

根據聯合國開發計畫署(UNDP)最新編布的2019年性別不平等指數(Gender Inequality Index, GII),台灣性別平等表現位居亞洲之冠。然過去社會傳統觀念對女性發展的限制及性別刻板印象是否已經被完全打破?
根據聯合國開發計畫署(UNDP)最新編布的2019年性別不平等指數(Gender Inequality Index, GII),台灣性別平等表現位居亞洲之冠。然過去社會傳統觀念對女性發展的限制及性別刻板印象是否已經被完全打破?
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在此探討人工智慧(AI)迅速發展的背景下,台灣應如何重新評估其在科技和人文藝術領域的投資重點,分析了台灣在硬體(如晶片製造)上的優勢,以及在軟體和AI應用開發上的劣勢,並強調投資人文藝術的重要性,以避免人類思維扁平化、失去創造力及多樣性。以下是一些核心觀點與論述:  1. 科技與硬體優勢的
許多人對於「藝術」這兩個字總會想到是展示在美術館裡的作品,認為「藝術」對於自己而言層次太高而難以企及,所以選擇保持距離,深怕一接觸會感到太過抽象難懂,不如把時間投入自己相對熟悉且了解的領域。 其實,「藝術」並不如我們所想像的艱澀又難以親近,反而舉目所及都是「藝術」,比如路上的變電箱彩繪、佛
生活中的點滴轉化 文化創意,是一種將生活中的點滴轉化為藝術表現的力量。它不僅僅是繪畫、音樂、表演的形式,而是包含了每個人在日常生活中對周遭環境、情感、和經歷的反思,並以創新的方式呈現出來。正如你所說,文化創意來自於生活中的感受,無論是透過文字、影像、聲音或動作,都能展現出一種獨特的視角與情感。
當代藝術指的是從 20 世紀末至今創作的藝術作品,通常被稱為「當今的藝術」。與遵循既定風格和技法的傳統藝術不同,當代藝術重視多樣性和實驗性。這意味著使用數位工具、融入現成物品,並創造沉浸式的環境。這是一個藝術家挑戰界限、探索新表達方式的藝術類別。
在二十一世紀的背景下,當前的重大挑戰逐漸暴露在人文藝術領域。這一現象反映了全球化和數位化所帶來的深遠變化,尤其是在資訊科技迅速發展和商業化過度的背景下,人文藝術的地位和作用面臨著前所未有的威脅。 首先,我們已經從機械複製和跨國製造業的時代過渡到一個資訊仿生的時代。這一變化不僅改變了經濟模式,也
這是關於視野和個人選擇的議題。隨著科技的快速發展,許多過往被視為基礎且必須掌握的技能,如今似乎已逐漸失去其原有的重要性。然而,這些技能的價值,遠不止表面上那麼簡單。 以數學和心算為例,過去這些技能被視為基本且必需的,但在當今時代,隨手可得的科技工具似乎已經取代了它們的位置...
在此探討人工智慧(AI)迅速發展的背景下,台灣應如何重新評估其在科技和人文藝術領域的投資重點,分析了台灣在硬體(如晶片製造)上的優勢,以及在軟體和AI應用開發上的劣勢,並強調投資人文藝術的重要性,以避免人類思維扁平化、失去創造力及多樣性。以下是一些核心觀點與論述:  1. 科技與硬體優勢的
許多人對於「藝術」這兩個字總會想到是展示在美術館裡的作品,認為「藝術」對於自己而言層次太高而難以企及,所以選擇保持距離,深怕一接觸會感到太過抽象難懂,不如把時間投入自己相對熟悉且了解的領域。 其實,「藝術」並不如我們所想像的艱澀又難以親近,反而舉目所及都是「藝術」,比如路上的變電箱彩繪、佛
生活中的點滴轉化 文化創意,是一種將生活中的點滴轉化為藝術表現的力量。它不僅僅是繪畫、音樂、表演的形式,而是包含了每個人在日常生活中對周遭環境、情感、和經歷的反思,並以創新的方式呈現出來。正如你所說,文化創意來自於生活中的感受,無論是透過文字、影像、聲音或動作,都能展現出一種獨特的視角與情感。
當代藝術指的是從 20 世紀末至今創作的藝術作品,通常被稱為「當今的藝術」。與遵循既定風格和技法的傳統藝術不同,當代藝術重視多樣性和實驗性。這意味著使用數位工具、融入現成物品,並創造沉浸式的環境。這是一個藝術家挑戰界限、探索新表達方式的藝術類別。
在二十一世紀的背景下,當前的重大挑戰逐漸暴露在人文藝術領域。這一現象反映了全球化和數位化所帶來的深遠變化,尤其是在資訊科技迅速發展和商業化過度的背景下,人文藝術的地位和作用面臨著前所未有的威脅。 首先,我們已經從機械複製和跨國製造業的時代過渡到一個資訊仿生的時代。這一變化不僅改變了經濟模式,也
這是關於視野和個人選擇的議題。隨著科技的快速發展,許多過往被視為基礎且必須掌握的技能,如今似乎已逐漸失去其原有的重要性。然而,這些技能的價值,遠不止表面上那麼簡單。 以數學和心算為例,過去這些技能被視為基本且必需的,但在當今時代,隨手可得的科技工具似乎已經取代了它們的位置...