
閱讀時間約 9 分鐘
More and more businesses as well as individuals are choosing to communicate either professionally or socially using technology rather than being face to face. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using technology for communicating.
With development of technology in recent years, digital communication facilitates social connection regardless of distances and time restrictions. It seems to elicit more virtual meetings and less face-to-face contacts in both business scenarios and personal needs. As the pandemic of Covid-19 has spread around the world, social distancing and quarantines enhanced this inclination to communicate in virtual world. It could be argued that this new social norm has influenced human relationships in real life.
There is no doubt that communication via Internet in various formats, such as phone calls, texts, images, emails, tele-conference and con-call meetings, is always available socially. Internet usage fees are much less than the huge cost of international phone calls in the past. It goes without saying that using technology for communicating, especially across countries, suffices the needs to keep in touch with business partners or intimate friends. In addition to the high level of portability, the popularization of smart phones has been predominant around the world. Social media applications, Facebook, Line, Instagram, etc., has even escalated virtual communication, not only for acquaintances but also for unknown encounters. As a result of that, many believe that the world has become a global village.
This may be true but enormous amount of time is spent on the Internet. The most worrying aspect of digital technology is to keep away from having actual experiences and face to face communication with people in real life. According to recent medical reports, using a smart phone and being online most of the time causes many psychological issues such as loneliness, being suspicious all the time and feeling self-centered, etc. The second major argument is that it is too convenient. People you know expect you to be reachable since you own a device. It seems to me that there are no fixed working hours and anxiety rises when not retorting immediately. Another argument put forward is more and more people are becoming addicted to the Internet and losing the ability to differentiate from virtual world and real life, not to mention the physical effects of electromagnetic radiation and the HEV light emitted from the screen.
While spending too much time on smartphones possibly affects people’s mental health and causes depression. The difference between virtuality and reality tends to be vague with the development of technology. This becomes a more important issue to learn how to distinguish and define self and a healthy friendship. Definition of friendship is “an exchanging of self-revelation; when one explains to others what one feels very deeply,”; “With time and trust and talk, you make yourself vulnerable to another.” Thus, a trustworthy relationship shall rely on mutual connection in face-to-face interaction. More people seem to depend on smartphones for everything and become really addicted that they text, talk, watch videos, or play games while walking or driving on the road. There is heightened level of danger which causes serious trouble as being busy makes react slow.
I feel the question is controversial no matter how we choose to communicate, especially during the pandemic period. This new normal redefines intimacy of relationships. In my opinion, it is vital to understand that we, as human beings, stay alive without losing our zeal. To engross ourselves by enhancing the five senses in order to be discerning towards environments and people around us is significant for a man of good judgement. In this case, I believe that too much time spent on the Internet cannot be helpful for enlightenment of the five senses. Otherwise, we might become robots without consciences.
根據聯合國開發計畫署(UNDP)最新編布的2019年性別不平等指數(Gender Inequality Index, GII),台灣性別平等表現位居亞洲之冠。然過去社會傳統觀念對女性發展的限制及性別刻板印象是否已經被完全打破?
高速公路縮短了遠程交通運輸的時間,也讓人們便於旅遊; 但發展同時也製造了許多問題。從問題與相對應的解決方案來看交通運輸發展。
根據聯合國開發計畫署(UNDP)最新編布的2019年性別不平等指數(Gender Inequality Index, GII),台灣性別平等表現位居亞洲之冠。然過去社會傳統觀念對女性發展的限制及性別刻板印象是否已經被完全打破?
高速公路縮短了遠程交通運輸的時間,也讓人們便於旅遊; 但發展同時也製造了許多問題。從問題與相對應的解決方案來看交通運輸發展。
作家 Morgan Housel 在《華爾街日報》中提出一個觀點:我們是用理解知識的方式在思考、學習金錢觀,而不是用理解心智與行為模式的方式學習理財。這段話讓我意識到,我們的財務決策並非總是理性的,情緒因素也扮演著重要角色。通過掌握金錢心理學,能夠幫助我們改善用錢習慣,使財務決策更為理性和長遠。
一. 永豐大戶     大大:沒有特別優惠,建議有十萬以上,並且完成證卷交割戶申請,能升級大戶再建議開戶。     大戶:1元~50萬元整 利率1.1%(每月付息,目前我的主力)
前陣子發生各種生產力工具的 troubles 之後,於是忍痛還是把陪伴了近四年的手機更新了。送別舊手機,迎來降了一級卻換上運算力更強大的芯片伙伴後,除卻在店裡面進行資料移轉的長期等待(足足等了八個小時),整體來說還是頗有感的變化。 過沒幾天在其他同樣來自故鄉的年輕人顧的店裡,正在一字一句的敲打著當
社交隔離的這段時間其實沒感受到瑞士有出現瘋狂堆積囤貨的人,但還是分享一下前陣子因為疫情而學到德文中”囤貨”這個單字 der Hamsterkauf - 這個單字拆開來看就是 ”倉鼠 + 買”,比喻人囤貨很像倉鼠嘴巴中塞滿東西的樣子。 德文竟然也能有這麼可愛的單字就忍不住畫下來了。
作家 Morgan Housel 在《華爾街日報》中提出一個觀點:我們是用理解知識的方式在思考、學習金錢觀,而不是用理解心智與行為模式的方式學習理財。這段話讓我意識到,我們的財務決策並非總是理性的,情緒因素也扮演著重要角色。通過掌握金錢心理學,能夠幫助我們改善用錢習慣,使財務決策更為理性和長遠。
一. 永豐大戶     大大:沒有特別優惠,建議有十萬以上,並且完成證卷交割戶申請,能升級大戶再建議開戶。     大戶:1元~50萬元整 利率1.1%(每月付息,目前我的主力)
前陣子發生各種生產力工具的 troubles 之後,於是忍痛還是把陪伴了近四年的手機更新了。送別舊手機,迎來降了一級卻換上運算力更強大的芯片伙伴後,除卻在店裡面進行資料移轉的長期等待(足足等了八個小時),整體來說還是頗有感的變化。 過沒幾天在其他同樣來自故鄉的年輕人顧的店裡,正在一字一句的敲打著當
社交隔離的這段時間其實沒感受到瑞士有出現瘋狂堆積囤貨的人,但還是分享一下前陣子因為疫情而學到德文中”囤貨”這個單字 der Hamsterkauf - 這個單字拆開來看就是 ”倉鼠 + 買”,比喻人囤貨很像倉鼠嘴巴中塞滿東西的樣子。 德文竟然也能有這麼可愛的單字就忍不住畫下來了。