Fab 5 的出現就如神仙教母fairy god mothers提醒了他/她們要活在當下,擁抱過去的傷痛,接受這些疤痕已經成為自己人生的一部分,好好過日子、享受當下人生的美好。4位素人主角在以往的人生裡是活得這樣壓抑而不自知,因為人類最善於說服自己將就一下,然後便沒有然後了。Fab 5不是一副救世主的姿態自居,反而更像是朋友、mentor的鼓勵他們踏出舒適圈,與他們一起煮飯、插花、試穿搭、認識新朋友、學柔道、做yoga等,要學習的新事物實在太多,與其躲在一旁自怨自艾、畫地為牢,不如給自己多點信心,人生還是有很多東西可以發掘。Never say never。GROW UP!
Jonathan: You can’t live your all-the-way honest truth in the situation that you’re born into, and the need to escape that. But it still is true that freedom is found from within. Part of how we see change, in culture, at least in my experience, is visibility. Individually it starts with us making small choices to be seen. Because it’s never the situation. It’s always your reaction. It’s never Tokyo. That’s not the issue.