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原文發佈於:2021/07/18 【三顧茅蘆,被看見的美】"請邀請我" 。投射者俱樂部
~Ra Uru Hu

"I am a Heretic, I am a Heretic. And I am here to bring you Heresy. Because the nine-centered way, is not the seven-centered way. We are not ruled by powers of both. We are not in the throw of the forces. We are not. I'm here to free you. And the only way that I can free you, is tell you the way it all started. It started, without, intent. It started without intent. There is no INTENT at the beginning, there is no GOD at the beginning, there is no CREATIVE FORCE at the beginning, there is no intent. none. This is the seven-centered game. It is the seven-centered being that created the old powerful, unknowing, omnipotent, all-seeing GOD, that was going to chain you and never, ever, ever, EVER, let you be free. That if you would claim your freedom on the mundane plane, somebody will say: "YOU GONNA HELL".
In the beginning there was no intent. Oh, I know this in physics. I know is so profund, but it's not the point. It's about understanding something: If there is no intent, there are no rules. There are no RULES. There is no ANSWER. There is no GREAT THING at the other end somehow. That there is no PURPOSE. Oh, you've been chained by this all your life. Chained by this assumption that you'd be made in something's image. I am not a HOMOGENIZED being. I am not made at GOD's image. I'm not a CLONE. I AM ME. I, allow, it. I was here before Gods. I was here before God, I was here before ANYTHING. And so are you... And so, are YOU.
There is no great force out there that watches over you, at least you're confusing God with the PROGRAM. There is no one to praying to unless you are confusing God with the program. You can pray to the program is okay, you know: "Please, move to the next gate", and the program will answer you: "Of course yes, slowly but surely we will move to the next gate, thank you very much!".
"Made in God's image". Give me a break! You see, all that does set up Rules. All that does set up Homogenization, "God said that if you are supposed to be this way..." God never said anything to me. Personally, I don't know such a thing. I know the forces. I know the forces in a way most human beings never, ever, ever, even get closed to that. That's a God? That's a great creative force? It's another piece of consciousness like me. Just another I-NEED-IT, in the matrix. No some great creative thing, no some thing that we are here to bow down to, NO SOME THING THAT IS GOING TO REWARD US, CONTROL US, DENY US."
-Ra Uru Hu
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