2022-05-23|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

隨意聊聊 & some small talk

上禮拜發現了Tandem上的派對功能,覺得蠻開心蠻有趣的,使用過後也有一個算好的體驗,遇到了一個在愛爾蘭當金融業獵頭的姐姐,跟一個在廣州年紀好像跟我差不多的男生叫D。聊得蠻開心的也得到一些收穫。敞開心聊天的感覺真的很好,已經太久沒有這種與世界接軌的感受了。Feeling wonderful!跟這種經驗比自己豐富的人聊天真的好棒好開心!總是能聽到不同的東西而且學到很多。
I just found a different function on Tandem last week, it’s Party function! I felt happy and interested. And after I used Party, I had a great user experience. I met a Taiwanese girl who works in Ireland as a job hunter in a financial system and a guy who lives in 廣州 and he’s like the same age as me. I felt comfortable chatting with them and learn a lot by them. I’m very thankful for meeting them. Open my heart to have a good connection with people is really a good thing to me. I think it makes my mental healthier. I have been a long time without that feelings. It’s wonderful to me to talk with those whom have many experiences and I can always learn a lot from them.
Hopefully I can be the same learning type as D. He learns by himself and knows a lot of different things like history and geography in different countries. He found his own way to learn and he’s definitely the type what I want to be. I’m so glad to meet him you know.
This is such a wonderful experience that I have ever had in this app!
Practice whenever I can with English, and learn to express myself!
If there're some grammer incorrect, please don't hesitate to tell me.
Then I'll be thankful.
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