更新於 2024/01/25閱讀時間約 4 分鐘


堪稱全美保守前幾名的堪薩斯州(Kansas State),今年與初選一同舉行的公投結果出爐——以 58.89% 不同意 vs. 41.11% 同意——反對以聯邦最高法院釋憲結果制定州的終止妊娠修正案,保住了墮胎權
2022年堪薩斯州的初選投票人數創下歷年新高衝到90.9萬 [1] ,且據報導,不少共和黨支持者也投下不同意票支持終止懷孕。[2]

看了專題故事才知道,原來堪薩斯州早自1969年 Robert Docking 州長就曾簽署法案放寬墮胎限制,其後則引發反墮胎陣營一系列行動,包含射殺堪州少數為女性進行終止懷孕手術的 George Tiller 醫師。Tiller 醫師診所原址,目前則由 Trust Women Wichita 接手經營,繼續為有需要的女性終止懷孕。[3]
美國還有另外6個州蠻可能今年也會以公投來決定終止妊娠修正案動向,美國的 post-Roe era (後羅訴韋德案時期)正如火如荼展開中![4]

Kansas No State Constitutional Right to Abortion and Legislative Power to Regulate Abortion Amendment [5]
A "yes" vote supported amending the Kansas Constitution to: - state that nothing in the state constitution creates a right to abortion or requires government funding for abortion and - state that the legislature has the authority to pass laws regarding abortion.
A "no" vote opposed amending the Kansas Constitution, thereby maintaining the legal precedent established in Hodes & Nauser v. Schmidt (2019) that the Kansas Bill of Rights provides a right to abortion.

[1] Kansas abortion referendum drives record number of voters to polls https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/03/kansas-voter-turn-out-abortion-rights-election
[2] After Supreme Court ruling: Voters in Kansas reject state constitutional amendment | DW News https://youtu.be/aA6bVkzvOD4
[3] Kansas becomes first state to hold a vote on abortion rights after Roe reversal https://youtu.be/_ok_Bj9haf4
[4] Abortion-related ballot measures are the new normal in post-‘Roe’ America. Here’s a partial list https://www.fastcompany.com/90773832/abortion-related-ballot-measures-are-the-new-normal-in-post-roe-america-heres-a-partial-list

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