2023-01-02|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘


    2024, Wednesday

    "How to unlock your hidden potential?" Take the first step.

    2023, Tuesday

    According to the "Facial Feedback Theory(面部反饋理論)," as mentioned in the best-selling book "Psycho? Logisch!: Nützliche Erkenntnisse der Alltagspsychologie(暢銷百萬的德國心理課:寫給在工作、愛情和人際關係中掙扎的你)", it is noted that "we laugh not only because we feel happy but also by laughing, we can make ourselves feel better."
    It seems like if muscles can create memories, then when we smile, it should also stimulate the brain to recall positive feelings. This could explain why, in the face of unpleasant or challenging situations, there is a tendency to want to laugh—it might be a protective mechanism of the body. How interesting!
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