更新於 2023/01/27閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

Shallow 歌詞/一個巨星的誕生

    過年期間,無意在Spotify聽到Lady Gaga的Shallow(一個巨星的誕生主題曲),內心激動不已。仔細的閱讀英文歌詞,然後參照網路上不同的翻譯版本,卻沒有一個打中我心。於是手癢也把自己的解讀翻譯出來。
    男主角(Bradley Cooper)是一個知名的搖滾樂手。在偶然的機會看到女主角(Lady Gaga)的表演,深受感動。後來在音樂節表演時,刻意cue出女主角上台一同演唱,女主角一戰成名,同時也譜出戀曲。後來女主角的星運愈來愈好,而男主角卻因為童年的陰影陷入憂鬱。當女主角的表演事業如日中天時,男主角卻自殺了...
    Tell me something, girl 女孩,告訴我
    Are you happy in this modern world? 在這個花花世界妳快樂嗎?
    Or do you need more? 或是你想要的並不只如此?
    Is there something else you're searchin' for? 有些特別的東西是妳正追尋著?
    I'm falling 我好像愛上妳了/我正在墜落...
    In all the good times, I find myself longin' for change 在人生順遂的時候,我渴望著改變
    And in the bad times, I fear myself 但在人生波折的時刻,我卻感到憂慮
    Tell me something, boy 告訴我,男孩
    Aren't you tired trying to fill that void? 難道你不厭倦一直努力著填滿空虛嗎?
    Or do you need more? 或是你並不想要這樣?
    Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore? 一直這樣死命硬撐著不累嗎?
    I'm falling 我好像愛上你了/我正在墜落...
    In all the good times, I find myself longing for change 在順遂的時光,我渴望著改變
    And in the bad times, I fear myself 在波折的時刻,我憂慮自己
    I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in 我猛然躍入深水池,仰頭看著波光漣漪的水面下沈
    I'll never meet the ground 雙腳卻無法碰觸到堅實的地面
    Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us 衝上水面粉碎那些假象吧,在別人無法傷害我們的地方
    We're far from the shallow now 我們已經逃離那些淺薄的評價
    In the sha-ha, sha-ha-llow
    In the sha-ha-sha-la-la-la-llow
    In the sha-ha, sha-ha-llow
    We're far from the shallow now
    Oh, ha-ah-ah
    Ah, ha-ah-ah, oh, ah
    I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in
    I'll never meet the ground
    Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us
    We're far from the shallow now
    In the sha-ha, sha-ha-llow
    In the sha-ha-sha-la-la-la-llow
    In the sha-ha, sha-ha-llow
    We're far from the shallow now
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