2023-04-18|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 13 分鐘


不懂有些人話題中總要參雜兩性間的情緒糾葛,娓娓道來不是很關心的劇情,很無聊,也不明白。是想炫耀?是分享?還是閒聊的一部分? 我還沒釋懷自己,又不想壞她說當過班花的驕榮興致,瞧她抬眼地說自己是幾個人的初戀,初戀?唉,我情願當他的最後一任。
It's raining_
I like rainy days, and the reasons why I can’t say it again always increase. I praise the rain and thank him for giving the poet a reason to be silent.
Drop by drop, drop by drop. The sunlight on the umbrella faded away, the sunken nails under his hands stretched, and even the lonely and arrogant in the cool and hazy darkness appeared low-key and elegant. Drop by drop, drop by drop.
I like the rain. People hate the wet shoes and socks sticking to the skin and making them unable to breathe. I hate the water splashing on my well-dressed makeup and matching. I am afraid that the laptop and paper in the document bag will muddy important information, but I like it. . It is precious to feel joy because of pain, and I am glad that I can still move my joints because of discomfort, because this suffocating and clear breath allows me to release the sadness in the optimistic cage. I can't find a reason to cry, the time, the place and the person... It seems that they are all in the precise review team. When they reached the review gate of the eye door, he waved his hand snortingly, saying that the sad document in his hand had expired.
Thinking of what I said in the article, when two people who love each other break up, one must understand love and the other does not understand love. After separation, those who don't understand love begin to understand love slowly, and those who understand love gradually dare not love. The sorrow of a woman is the maturity of the man made by his former woman. The feeling for love lightly brushes away the thin dust, still so delicate and cold, you don't want to be the crystal in my hand, and I don't want to be the ring on your key.
You said, any relationship is fine, as long as it can continue the appearance between us. I said, nothing, as long as you are willing to spend time with me. You say you can't do it because you have to work. I said that's fine, let's talk about love when you have time.
I don't understand that some people's topics always have to be mixed with emotional entanglements between the sexes, and they talk about plots that they don't care about very much. It's boring and I don't understand. Is it to show off? Is it sharing? Or part of the small talk? I haven't let go of myself yet, and I don't want to spoil her pride when she said she was a class flower. Seeing her raise her eyes and say that she is the first love of several people, first love? Alas, I would rather be his last.
Drop by drop, drop by drop. The murmured lips on the road attracted attention from the corner of the eye, a tiny gleam glowed on his cheeks, his eyelids were sunken by the heavy rain, his steps dragged, and there was a sound of plastic clattering, and the light as white as Miscanthus entered the red Huang was uneven, took a deep breath and wanted to pour it into the innermost part of his head. When he came back, there were too many people, and my small world should be closed.
一滴一滴、一滴一滴。 傘の陽射しが消え、手の下のくぼんだ爪が伸び、涼しくもやのかかった暗闇の中で孤独で傲慢な人でさえ、控えめでエレガントに見えました。 一滴一滴、一滴一滴。
雨が好き 濡れた靴や靴下が肌にくっついて息ができなくなるのが嫌 身なりの整ったメイクやコーディネートに水しぶきがかかるのが嫌 書類入れのノートパソコンや紙が飛び散るのが怖い重要な情報が濁っていますが、私はそれが好きです. . 痛みのために喜びを感じるのは貴重であり、この息苦しくて澄んだ息が楽観的な檻の中で悲しみを解放することができるので、不快であっても関節を動かすことができることを嬉しく思います. 泣く理由が見つからない 時も場所も人も… どうやら精査班のようだ 目の扉の審査ゲートに到着すると 鼻​​息荒く手を振って、手元にある悲しい書類の有効期限が切れたという。
記事で言ったことを考えると、愛し合っている二人が別れる時、一方は愛を理解し、もう一方は愛を理解していない。 分離後、愛を理解していない人はゆっくりと愛を理解し始め、愛を理解している人は徐々に愛をあえてしなくなります. 女の悲しみは、元女が作った男の成熟度。 愛への気持ちが薄いほこりを軽く払いのける まだとても繊細で冷たい あなたは私の手にある水晶になりたくない 私はあなたの鍵の指輪になりたくない
おっしゃっていましたが、私たちの間の容姿を継続できる関係であれば、どんな関係でも構いません。 私は、あなたが私と一緒に時間を過ごしたいと思っている限り、何も言わないと言いました。 働かなきゃいけないからできないって言う。 私はそれでいいと言いました。時間があるときに愛について話しましょう。
男女間の感情的な絡み合いをいつも混同しなければならない人がいて、あまり気にしないプロットについて話す人がいることを理解できません. 退屈で理解できません. 見せびらかすためですか? 共有ですか? それとも雑談の一部? 私はまだ自分自身を手放しておらず、彼女がクラスの花だと言ったときの彼女のプライドを台無しにしたくない. 彼女が目を上げて、彼女が数人の初恋、初恋? 悲しいかな、私はむしろ彼の最後になりたいです。
一滴一滴、一滴一滴。 道端のざわめく唇が目の端から注意を引き、彼の頬に小さな光が輝き、大雨でまぶたがくぼみ、足が引きずり、プラスチックのカタカタと音がして、光が白い。ススキが入った赤い黄はむらがあり、深呼吸をして頭の奥に注ぎ込みたかった. 彼が戻ってきたとき、あまりにも多くの人がいて、私の小さな世界は閉じられているはずです.
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