2013-07-26|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘

幾段原文:Taiwan: Major U.S. Arms Sales Since 1990

    Taiwan: Major U.S. Arms Sales Since 1990

    Shirley A. Kan    Specialist in Asian Security Affairs

    July 23, 2013



    On May 27, … Representative Rob Simmons and 32 other House Members wrote to KMT chairman Lien Chan, urging him to help expedite passage of the Special Budget in May. They warned that “failure to pass the special budget has raised concerns in the United States about Taiwan’s ability to defend itself against potential aggression.”170 However, Lien responded in a three-page letter by making partisan attacks on the DPP and President Chen Shui-bian , and criticisms of the Special Budget although the KMT used special budgets in the 1990s.


    …Ma responded as the Mayor of Taipei on August 18 (one day before becoming KMT Chairman), by blaming the DPP administration for “procrastinating for three years,” “negligence,” and “lack of leadership,” with no mention of Wang Jin-pyng ’s LY delegation in June 2004.  Ma promised to focus his attention on the issue and to “work closely with the KMT caucus” in the LY after taking over the KMT chairmanship.

    … Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said in August 2005 that under the TRA, the U.S. obligation was “to work with Taiwan” on security assistance, but it was up to Taiwan make its own decisions.


    Lawless stressed that, under the TRA, Taiwan also has an obligation for its self-defense. …The U.S. ability to contribute to Taiwan’s defense in a crisis is going to be measured against Taiwan’s ability to resist, defend, and survive based on its own capabilities.... As the lone superpower, our interests are plentiful and our attention short.  We cannot help defend you, if you cannot defend yourself.



    …Admiral Fallon also told the United Daily News his concern that if he (Taiwan’s Chief of General Staff, General Lee Tien-yu) was to be able to maintain the U.S. commitment to assist Taiwan’s defense, then Taiwan should have a strong self-defense capability.



    …In a March 7 letter, Ma responded to Representative Hyde by blaming the DPP administration and promising his own policy in the near future.



    (May 2006) … the State Department’s Director of the Taiwan office warned Taiwan’s political figures from opposition and ruling parties that “leaders who aspire to represent the Taiwan people” to the United States should recognize that their decisions “right now on core national security issues” will have an impact on the future bilateral relationship.



    When asked about Taiwan’s cuts in the defense budgets during his address to the United States on May 12, 2011, President Ma claimed that defense spending could not keep up with the rapid GDP growth.  Taiwan’s QDR of March 2013 dropped reference to the goal of spending at 3% of GDP and noted that the defense budget as a share of the total government budget has declined year by year with negative implications for recruitment and retention.  The QDR reported that defense funding has been constrained as even as the military needed more resources for the shift to volunteer personnel, operation and maintenance of equipment, and acquisitions of weapons systems.

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