Tracy Chapman : Fast Car

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*Fast car -Tracy Chapman

*Give me one Reason

*Tracy Chapman - Why

*Baby Can I hold you

Tracy Chapman feat. Eric Clapton - Give me a reason
跟Tracy 自己彈唱的感覺不太一樣ㄛ

Tracy Chapman (born March 30, 1964) is a singer-songwriter, best known for her singles "Fast Car", "Talkin' 'bout a Revolution", "Baby Can I Hold You", "Give Me One Reason", "The Promise" and "Telling Stories". She is a multi-platinum and four-time Grammy Award-winning artist.[1]
Awards and achievements
Preceded by
Jody Watley
Grammy Award for Best New Artist
Succeeded by
Milli Vanilli

Preceded by
Whitney Houston
for "I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)" Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance
for "Fast Car" Succeeded by
Bonnie Raitt
for "Nick of Time"
Preceded by
Steve Goodman
for Unfinished Business Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Folk Album
for Tracy Chapman Succeeded by
Indigo Girls
for Indigo Girls
Preceded by
Glen Ballard and Alanis Morissette
for "You Oughta Know" Grammy Award for Best Rock Song
for "Give Me One Reason" Succeeded by
for "One Headlight"


During college, Chapman began street-performing in Harvard Square and playing guitar in Club Passim and within other coffeehouses in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Another Tufts student, Brian Koppelman, heard Chapman playing and brought Chapman to the attention of his father, Charles Koppelman. Koppelman, who ran SBK Publishing, signed Chapman in 1986. After Chapman graduated from Tufts in 1987, he helped her to sign a contract with Elektra Records.[5]

At Elektra, she released Tracy Chapman (1988). The album was critically acclaimed, and she began touring and building a fanbase. Soon after she performed it at the televised Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute concert in June 1988, Chapman's "Fast Car" began its rise on the US charts, eventually becoming a Number 6 pop hit on the Billboard Hot 100. "Talkin' 'bout a Revolution", the follow-up, charted at Number 75 and was followed by "Baby Can I Hold You", which peaked at Number 48. The album sold well, going multi-platinum and winning three Grammy Awards, including an honor for Chapman as Best New Artist. Later in 1988, Chapman was a featured performer on the worldwide Amnesty International Human Rights Now! Tour. According to the VH1 website, "her album helped usher in the era of political correctness — along with 10,000 Maniacs and R.E.M., Chapman's liberal politics proved enormously influential on American college campuses in the late '80s".[8]

Her follow-up album Crossroads (1989) was less commercially successful, but still achieved platinum status. By 1992's Matters of the Heart, Chapman was playing to a small and devoted audience. However, her fourth album, 1995's New Beginning proved successful, selling over three million copies in the U.S. The album included the hit single "Give Me One Reason", which won the 1997 Grammy for Best Rock Song and became Chapman's most successful single to date, peaking at Number 3 on the Billboard Hot 100. Her next album was 2000's Telling Stories, which featured more of a rock sound than folk. Its hit single, "Telling Stories", received heavy airplay on European radio stations and on Adult Alternative and Hot AC stations in the United States. She toured Europe and the US in 2003 in support of her sixth album, Let It Rain (2002).

Where You Live, Chapman's seventh studio album, was released in September 2005; a brief supporting tour in major US cities followed in October and continued throughout Europe over the remainder of the year. The "Where You Live" tour was extended into 2006; the 28-date European tour featured summer concerts in Germany, Italy, France, Sweden, Finland, Norway, the UK, Russia and more. On June 5, 2006, she performed at the 5th Gala of Jazz in Lincoln Center, New York, and in a session at the 2007 TED (Technology Entertainment Design) conference in Monterey, California.

Chapman composed original music for the American Conservatory Theater production of Athol Fugard's Blood Knot, an acclaimed play on apartheid in South Africa staged in early 2008.[9]

On November 11, 2008, Atlantic Records released Chapman's eighth studio album, Our Bright Future.[10] Following the album's release, Chapman completed a 26-date solo tour of Europe. She toured Europe and selected North American cities on an encore tour during the summer of 2009. She was backed by Joe Gore on guitars, Patrick Warren on keyboards, and Dawn Richardson on percussion.[11] Gore and Richardson also reside in San Francisco.[12]


Google News 追蹤
在蔡琴的歌唱生涯裡,灌錄過許多老歌版本,但是她真的唱得好的,是她在加入飛碟時期的【蔡琴 老歌 1985】和【人生就是戲 1986】專輯。
鄭華娟的音樂才華,無庸置疑。 金韻獎比賽獲得名次後,受李宗盛賞識,以一首輕盈森巴曲風的「一千個夜」進入流行音樂圈,收錄於鄭怡『小雨來得正是時候』專輯。1987年,與王新蓮共同製作的『快樂天堂』和『往天涯的盡頭單飛』專輯發行。 1989年,華視週六劇場《全家福》主題曲—「家和我一起成長」,描述家庭
這篇文章其實我想寫很久了,但是就一直有事情插進來就拖著了。最近有空還是很想來跟大家聊聊這位超級巨星的星盤。 討論國外名人星盤的好處就是國外的網站都有他們詳細的出生時間地點、有準確的時間就能知道準確的上升點。更適合討論。 言歸正傳。泰勒絲1989年出生,所以她今年35歲啦~ 她在17歲的時候推出她
作者 Only 系列文章,【一天一千字,進化每一次】本文介紹了蔡依林出道到走紅的故事,當時她只是一個大學生,人生從巔峰走到低谷,低谷的她沒有放棄,沒有自怨自艾,用了一個行為,四個字“加倍努力”,來回應那些批評他的人,然後在舞孃獲得金曲獎最佳女歌手時,還說出了金句:『感謝那些批評過我的人』
Hi there,最近突然很想複習一下 Charli XCX 在前兩年的作品〈Good Ones〉(2021),這首歌當初是 Charli 第五張個人專輯《Crash》(2022)的首波主打,必須說在一發行的時候我對這首歌是覺得很普通的,是到了後來才漸漸喜歡上這首歌。這首帶有濃厚電子色彩的舞
泰勒絲的巡演不是我的主題,但有個角度值得大家深省 就算你以前不曉得誰是泰勒絲Taylor Swift,今天你一定多少聽說過她縱橫全球音樂界,讓年輕男女為之瘋狂的新聞。泰勒絲從小玩音樂,14歲開始作曲,16歲簽了唱片約,2006開始就火紅到現在,甚至越演越旺,變成全世界各國爭相邀請的第一女歌手。
泰勒絲的正評事件包括: 她的專輯《Midnights》在2022年成為年度最暢銷專輯,售出180萬張,是哈利·斯泰爾斯的第二名專輯的兩倍。 她的專輯《Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)》在7月份首次亮相時登上了第一名,使泰勒絲超越了芭芭拉·史翠珊,成為擁有最多第一名專輯的女
因為一首2006年發行的歌曲 "For You I Will (Confidence)",我認識了Teddy Geiger。那時的他還是個清秀的小夥子,而現在的她,彷如逃脫社會框架、找到自己而成為有自信的女人。 出生於1988年的Teddy Geiger,於16歲踏入歌壇,而後成為歌手、詞曲作家和
有在聽英國流行樂的人應該都對McFly(小飛俠樂團)不陌生吧!創團於2003年的McFly於2004年以《5 Colours In Her Hair》單曲正式進入流行樂壇,曲風介於流行和流行搖滾間。樂團成員共有四人,其中,身為主唱和吉他手的Tom Fletcher也是樂團歌曲創作的主力。其他樂團成員
在蔡琴的歌唱生涯裡,灌錄過許多老歌版本,但是她真的唱得好的,是她在加入飛碟時期的【蔡琴 老歌 1985】和【人生就是戲 1986】專輯。
鄭華娟的音樂才華,無庸置疑。 金韻獎比賽獲得名次後,受李宗盛賞識,以一首輕盈森巴曲風的「一千個夜」進入流行音樂圈,收錄於鄭怡『小雨來得正是時候』專輯。1987年,與王新蓮共同製作的『快樂天堂』和『往天涯的盡頭單飛』專輯發行。 1989年,華視週六劇場《全家福》主題曲—「家和我一起成長」,描述家庭
這篇文章其實我想寫很久了,但是就一直有事情插進來就拖著了。最近有空還是很想來跟大家聊聊這位超級巨星的星盤。 討論國外名人星盤的好處就是國外的網站都有他們詳細的出生時間地點、有準確的時間就能知道準確的上升點。更適合討論。 言歸正傳。泰勒絲1989年出生,所以她今年35歲啦~ 她在17歲的時候推出她
作者 Only 系列文章,【一天一千字,進化每一次】本文介紹了蔡依林出道到走紅的故事,當時她只是一個大學生,人生從巔峰走到低谷,低谷的她沒有放棄,沒有自怨自艾,用了一個行為,四個字“加倍努力”,來回應那些批評他的人,然後在舞孃獲得金曲獎最佳女歌手時,還說出了金句:『感謝那些批評過我的人』
Hi there,最近突然很想複習一下 Charli XCX 在前兩年的作品〈Good Ones〉(2021),這首歌當初是 Charli 第五張個人專輯《Crash》(2022)的首波主打,必須說在一發行的時候我對這首歌是覺得很普通的,是到了後來才漸漸喜歡上這首歌。這首帶有濃厚電子色彩的舞
泰勒絲的巡演不是我的主題,但有個角度值得大家深省 就算你以前不曉得誰是泰勒絲Taylor Swift,今天你一定多少聽說過她縱橫全球音樂界,讓年輕男女為之瘋狂的新聞。泰勒絲從小玩音樂,14歲開始作曲,16歲簽了唱片約,2006開始就火紅到現在,甚至越演越旺,變成全世界各國爭相邀請的第一女歌手。
泰勒絲的正評事件包括: 她的專輯《Midnights》在2022年成為年度最暢銷專輯,售出180萬張,是哈利·斯泰爾斯的第二名專輯的兩倍。 她的專輯《Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)》在7月份首次亮相時登上了第一名,使泰勒絲超越了芭芭拉·史翠珊,成為擁有最多第一名專輯的女
因為一首2006年發行的歌曲 "For You I Will (Confidence)",我認識了Teddy Geiger。那時的他還是個清秀的小夥子,而現在的她,彷如逃脫社會框架、找到自己而成為有自信的女人。 出生於1988年的Teddy Geiger,於16歲踏入歌壇,而後成為歌手、詞曲作家和
有在聽英國流行樂的人應該都對McFly(小飛俠樂團)不陌生吧!創團於2003年的McFly於2004年以《5 Colours In Her Hair》單曲正式進入流行樂壇,曲風介於流行和流行搖滾間。樂團成員共有四人,其中,身為主唱和吉他手的Tom Fletcher也是樂團歌曲創作的主力。其他樂團成員