更新於 2023/06/02閱讀時間約 3 分鐘


【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯 The concept in this image is very clear. The key point is that the "initiative" is not a bilateral agreement, so it is neither a regulation nor a law in Taiwan. It allows for discussion and could be considered an administrative agreement. That is why the Executive Yuan will not submit it to the legislature for review. Based on this, we can confirm that the Taiwan-US 21st Century Trade Initiative is a political statement, serving as a roadmap. If it were to be submitted to the legislature for review, it would cause legal problems (from the US side), at most it can be kept for reference. John Chen-Chung Deng, minister without portfolio in charge of the Office of Trade Negotiations, said, "He has been waiting for thirty years, hoping that Taiwan and the United States can sign one or more agreements in the future," and stated that the Taiwan-US 21st Century Trade Initiative can serve as a roadmap for promoting trade agreements, confirming the previous statement that it is a "political" document (similar to a joint declaration).
這張圖概念很清晰。 重點是:「倡議」不是雙邊協議,所以也不是法規。算不算行政協議,還有討論空間,所以,行政院不送國會審查。 基於此,我們確認:台美21世紀貿易倡議,是一個政治宣示,是路徑圖 road map。若送國會審查的話,會出問題(對美方),頂多能備查。 鄧振中說「他等了三十年,盼未來台美能簽署一個或多個『協定』」,「(台美21世紀貿易倡議)可做為推動貿易協定的路徑圖」,證實前面的說法—是「政治性文件」,類似共同聲明之類。
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