📚在天龍國熟悉「強制性兵役」(mandatory military service)或替代性兵役者,可藉由歐美「傭兵」(mercenary)制度的歷史背景,深入學習mercenary(圖利的) 、commerce(商業;貿易)、commercial(電視、廣播)商業廣告)、commercialize(使商業化,使商品化)、merchant(商人)、merchandise(商品;貨物)六個同字根的英文生字用法。
🪓在古羅馬希臘文化中,據史實考證,雅典城邦國(the city-state of Athens)與Sparta(斯巴達)決戰於the Peloponnesian War(伯羅奔尼撒戰爭),及羅馬帝國擴張領土過程中,皆有雇用傭兵(mercenary)作戰的紀錄。
It is known that mercenary soldiers with distinguished combat skills are willing to fight for the highest bidder. (眾人皆知,有傑出戰鬥技能的傭兵們,願意為最高出價者出戰。)
The former President’s decision to hire the mercenaries raised the public’s debate on the ethical issue of using contracted soldiers. (前總統雇用傭兵的決定,引起大眾辯論關於契約士兵的倫理問題。)
Electronic commerce, also known as e-commerce, has revolutionized the way modern people buy and sell commodities. (電子商務,又叫做電商,已經徹底改變現代人購買和銷售日用品的方式。)
Now that the domestic commerce involves the exchange of goods and services within its own borders, it plays a vital role in the time of the pandemic. (因為國內貿易涉及國內邊界內的商品和服務的交易,在疫情期間,國內貿易對一個國家的經濟成長扮演很重要的角色。)
📚所以,美國聯邦政府「商務部」,英語為United States Department of Commerce。「商務部」行政單位就是負責貿易救濟措施、國際貿易、出口管制。
The new commercial for the latest-released vacuum cleaner emphasizes its state-of-the-art features which may lure patrons to upgrade their household appliance. (最新發行上市吸塵器的新廣告,強調其最先進功能們,吸引老主顧升級他們的家電。)
🌷字彙④ commercialize →v.使商業化,使商品化
Virgin Galactic aims to commercialize its innovative technology by bringing the commercial spacecraft to the market and making the space tourism flight accessible to consumers worldwide. (維珍銀河旨在將其創新商用太空船技術商業化,讓商用太空業進入市場,並且讓全球消費者能夠搭乘太空航班。)
📚在William Shakespeare(莎士比亞)喜劇作品The Merchant of Venice《威尼斯商人》中,我們得知在莎士比亞16世紀年代,「商人」英文為merchant,相當於現代英文businessman。
🌷字彙⑤ merchant →n.商人
字源: merc貿易+h+ant表示人名詞結尾
The Asian merchant traveled to Europe to procure unique merchandise for her boutique. (這位亞洲商人遠赴歐洲,為她的精品店採辦獨特的商品。)
字彙⑥ merchandise →n.(集合)商品;貨物 v.買賣,促銷
字源: merc貿易+handise
The department store offers a wide range of merchandise, including clothing, cookware, and furniture. (百貨公司提供各式各樣商品,包括衣服、烹飪用具、及家具)
The start-up intends to merchandise their product through targeted audiences and strategic marketing campaigns. (該新創投公司預藉由鎖定客群及戰略性的行銷活動,來推廣他們的產品。)