亞瑞妮絲(Ingela P Arrhenius)-翻翻書繪本集
亞瑞妮絲(Ingela P Arrhenius)-翻翻書繪本集
亞瑞妮絲 Ingela P Arrhenius
瑞典插畫設計師,出生於1967年,現在和家人住在斯德哥摩爾。曾與丹麥知名設計公司ferm living和北歐設計品牌OMM Design合作,插畫風格充滿童趣、色彩鮮明。
淡江大學法文系畢,繪本愛好者,致力於分享及推廣法文繪本。譯作有《小傷疤》、《蘇西小姐的下雪日》、《臭臭部落》、《女生和男生也可以做的事!》、《山姆和瓦森:我是情緒的主人 / 生命的四季》、《 最美的海洋...{需要我們一起來保護}》等。現居住在法國,繼續尋找美好的繪本旅程。
亞瑞妮絲(Ingela P Arrhenius)-什麼?什麼?藏起來
Welcome to Main Street! Visit the bakery, fish market, hair salon, museum, and circus, lifting flaps to make extraordinary discoveries as you wander through this small town. Peer through the die-cut windows of the bakery to admire its mouthwatering croissants, then lift the gatefold to waltz inside where there are additional flaps—and marvelous delicacies—to uncover. Oh, but wait! There's so much more to explore. With adorable, retro illustrations and smart novelty bookmaking, there's always a whimsical surprise just around the corner.
亞瑞妮絲(Ingela P Arrhenius)-小小探險家-百貨市場探險趣
Gira las ruedas y encuentra lo que buscas entre los puestos del mercado con este libro pensado para desarrollar la agudeza visual y la concentración de los más pequeños.
亞瑞妮絲(Ingela P Arrhenius)-小小探險家-世界各地探險趣
★法國年度最有影響力的童書轉轉齒輪書 ★
★超有趣的專注遊戲2歲以上就可以自己動手玩 ★
Un livre-jeu tout-carton, graphique et élégant, pour les enfants dès 2 ans. 5 plateaux de jeu "cherche-et-trouve", illustrés pour explorer les paysages du monde. Sur chaque plateau de jeu, 2 roues à faire tourner pour découvrir les éléments à retrouver dans la scène : un mécanisme intelligent et ludique que l'enfant peut manipuler en toute autonomie !
亞瑞妮絲(Ingela P Arrhenius)-Numbers, Colours, Opposites, Shapes and Me!
A fun lift-the-flap introduction to first concepts from Ingela P Arrhenius.
Lift the flaps in this engaging introduction to colours, numbers, shapes, opposites and the body for the very youngest readers. A quirky first concepts book with a pop-up on each spread from much-loved illustrator Ingela P Arrhenius.
亞瑞妮絲(Ingela P Arrhenius)-My First Lift-The-Flap Nursery Rhymes
From Humpty Dumpty to Hey Diddle Diddle, introduce little ones to the joy of nursery rhymes with bright, beautiful artwork and easy-to-lift card flaps revealing a hidden surprise on every page!
Featuring 14 favourite rhymes to read together – and a QR code to scan with rhymes to listen to and sing along with – this gorgeous gift book will be treasured forever and reached for time and time again.
With bright, beautiful artwork from Ingela P Arrhenius, illustrator of the bestselling Felt Flaps and Peekaboo series.
亞瑞妮絲(Ingela P Arrhenius)-My First Lift-The-Flap Fairy Tales
Introduce little ones to the magic of fairy tales with this large-format board book with bright, beautiful artwork and easy-to-lift card flaps revealing a hidden surprise on every page!
Featuring seven traditional stories to enjoy reading together – and a QR code to scan with stories to listen along to – this gorgeous gift book will be reached for time and time again, and treasured forever.
Each classic story is brought to life with contemporary artwork from Ingela P Arrhenius, illustrator of the bestselling Felt Flaps and Peekaboo series.
Including Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Cinderella, The Elves and the Shoemakers and The Three Little Pigs
這是亞瑞妮絲(Ingela P Arrhenius)的翻翻書(1.什麼?什麼?藏起來;2.Numbers, Colours, Opposites, Shapes and Me;3.My First Lift-The-Flap Nursery Rhymes;4.My First Lift-The-Flap Fairy Tales),和機關繪本(1.百貨市場探險趣;2.世界各地探險趣)的介紹書籍
“什麼?什麼?藏起來”的書籍,我滿喜歡到處挖掘找出秘密的方式,每一個可以翻起來的地方,都有不同含義和驚奇,“Numbers, Colours, Opposites, Shapes and Me”的書籍,是比較偏向教育類的繪本,可以教導孩童對數字、顏色、形狀等的認知,“My First Lift-The-Flap Nursery Rhymes”的書籍,藉由繪本去認識看法國歌謠,“My First Lift-The-Flap Fairy Tales”的書籍,是可以讓孩童認識童話世界