2023-08-20|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘


LVMH集團執行長貝爾納阿爾諾 Bernard Arnault,雖然大學主修電機系,但成功整合法國精品業的經商能力,讓此歐洲富商個人資產常登上Forbes(富比世)雜誌富豪排行榜前五名。






(Bloomberg) -- LVMH, the owner of Louis Vuitton, is Europe’s most valuable company—so much so that earlier this year it managed to reach a market capitalization of $500 billion, a monumental milestone for the continent.


 owner  物主;所有人

 so much so that  到如此程度以致...

③ manage to  成功的完成,設法

④ market capitalization 資本市值,公司的市值(在市場上流通股票的總價值)

⑤ monumental 巨大的;重要的;留存於歷史上的;不朽的

⑥ milestone 里程碑

The insatiable global demand for luxury goods and LVMH’s stellar financial results have thrown the French conglomerate into an ever-brighter spotlight. Its stock market gains have greatly increased the fortune of its controlling shareholder, Bernard Arnault, who is now the world’s second-wealthiest person.


 ⑦ insatiable   無法滿足的(需求),貪得無厭的(慾望);無盡的(好奇心)

⑧ luxury 奢華;奢侈品

⑨ goods  商品;貨物

⑩ stellar 傑出的,優秀的;精彩的

⑪ conglomerate   聯合大企業,企業集團

⑫ spotlight  (舞臺)聚光燈;公眾注意的中心

⑬ stock market 股票市場

⑭ gains 收益

(15) controlling shareholder 控制股權者




①  owner  物主;所有人

② so much so that  到如此程度以致...

The chief executive officer was engrossed in his work—so much so that he lost track of time and forgot to eat. (首席執行長全神貫注於工作上─專注到忘記時間及吃飯。)

③ manage to  成功的完成,設法

④ market capitalization 資本市值,公司的市值(在市場上流通股票的總價值)

⑤ monumental 巨大的;重要的;留存於歷史上的;不朽的

⑥ milestone 里程碑

⑦ insatiable   無法滿足的(需求),貪得無厭的(慾望);無盡的(好奇心)

⑧ luxury 奢華;奢侈品

⑨ goods  商品;貨物

⑩ stellar 傑出的,優秀的;精彩的

⑪ conglomerate   聯合大企業,企業集團

⑫ spotlight  (舞臺)聚光燈;公眾注意的中心

⑬ stock market 股票市場

⑭ gains 收益

(15) controlling shareholder 控制股權者




1. My ability to save for a holiday abroad is the testimony of effective money ___________.

(A)gains (B)  shareholder  (C)goods (D) management


2. All _________ have the right to vote and participate in important decisions during the corporate annual meeting.

(A)  owner  (B)  shareholders  (C)  goods (D) gains


 3. Wealthy tenants can easily rent a _______ villa with an ocean view.

(A) luxury  (B) milestone  (C) controlling  (D) capitalization


  1. The successful completion of the project was a ________ achievement, representing years of hard work and dedication by the entire team.

(A) capital (B) luxurious (C) monumental (D) stock


 正確答案:1.D    2.B     3.A 4.C


步驟四:練習將so much so that運用IELTS(雅思)最新官方考題中。

(自行練習造句運用so much so that到IELTS Book 18 Test 1 Independent Writing寫作)

The breakthrough in quantum computing has revolutionized the field of cryptography—so much so that cyber experts around the world are using the advancement in quantum computing to secure financial transactions and sensitive data.




總結:想自學英文中(高)級過人的實力者,是需要經年累月持續不斷的努力,才能練就一番過人的學術或國際時事英文寫作及閱讀能力。猶如LVMH集團經商有成的首席執行長,也是在多年用心經營下。才成功造就此歐洲精品集團的崛起。常言道:「一分耕耘,一分收獲。」(No pain, no gain)似乎古今中外皆然。



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