2023-09-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 7 分鐘

The Crow and the Pitcher

    3 Characters:

    • Narrator
    • Crow
    • Pitcher

    Narrator: Once upon a time, in a sunny forest, there lived a thirsty crow.

    Crow: (Looking around) Oh, I'm so thirsty. I need water to drink.

    Narrator: The crow searched and found a pitcher with water in it. But the water was too low, and the crow couldn't reach it.

    Crow: (Thinking) How can I get to that water? I can't reach it with my beak.

    Narrator: The crow had an idea. It began to drop pebbles into the pitcher, one by one.

    Crow: (Dropping pebbles) If I drop enough pebbles, the water level might rise.

    Narrator: As the crow dropped pebble after pebble into the pitcher, the water level started to rise.

    Pitcher: (Gurgling) Glug, glug, the water level is rising.

    Narrator: Finally, the water was high enough for the crow to drink.

    Crow: (Drinking happily) Ah, that's refreshing!

    Narrator: The crow had used its intelligence to solve the problem and quench its thirst.

    Narrator: The end.

    [End of script.]




    • 旁白

    • 烏鴉

    • 水瓶

















    1. Thirsty (口渴)
      • Definition: Feeling a strong need or desire for something to drink.
      • 口渴;對飲料有強烈的需求或渴望。
      • Related Words: Dehydrated (脫水的), Parched (干渴的)
      • Collocations: Thirsty for water (渴望飲水), quench one's thirst (解渴), stay hydrated (保持水分)
      • Example Sentence: After playing in the sun all day, I was very thirsty and needed a cold drink. (在太陽底下玩了一整天,我口渴得需要一杯冰涼的飲料。)
    2. Intelligence (智慧)
      • Definition: The ability to learn, understand, and apply knowledge.
      • 智慧;學習、理解和應用知識的能力。
      • Related Words: Wisdom (智慧), Intellect (智力)
      • Collocations: High intelligence (高智商), demonstrate intelligence (展示智慧), artificial intelligence (人工智能)
      • Example Sentence: Her intelligence and problem-solving skills made her a valuable member of the team. (她的智慧和解決問題的能力使她成為團隊中寶貴的一員。)
    3. Pebbles (小石子)
      • Definition: Small, rounded stones, often found near rivers or on beaches.
      • 小石子;小而圓的石頭,通常在河邊或海灘上找到。
      • Related Words: Stones (石頭), Rocks (岩石)
      • Collocations: Collect pebbles (收集小石子), smooth pebbles (光滑的小石子), colorful pebbles (多彩的小石子)
      • Example Sentence: The child picked up colorful pebbles and placed them in a jar as a decoration. (孩子撿起多彩的小石子,放入罐子裡作為裝飾品。)
    4. Quench (解渴)
      • Definition: To satisfy a thirst or desire by drinking or consuming something.
      • 解渴;透過飲用或消耗某物來滿足口渴或渴望。
      • Related Words: Satisfy (滿足), Satiate (使飽足)
      • Collocations: Quench one's thirst (解渴), quench a desire (滿足一種渴望), quench a fire (撲滅火源)
      • Example Sentence: After a long hike, we stopped to quench our thirst with cold water from the stream. (長時間的徒步旅行後,我們停下來用來自小溪的冷水解渴。)


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