2023-09-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘


    1. Under the Sun(太陽底下)
      • 解釋: 表示某事物在世界上普遍存在或普遍知道。
      • 例句: "There's nothing new under the sun; people have been telling stories for centuries."
    2. Chasing Rainbows(追逐彩虹)
      • 解釋: 意指追求不太可能實現的夢想或目標。
      • 例句: "I know you want to be a famous actor, but don't spend your whole life chasing rainbows."
    3. Sunny Disposition(陽光性格)
      • 解釋: 指的是一個樂觀、愉快的性格。
      • 例句: "Despite the challenges, she always maintains a sunny disposition."
    4. Bask in the Sun(沐浴在陽光下)
      • 解釋: 意指享受愉快的時光或成功。
      • 例句: "After winning the championship, the team could finally bask in the sun of their hard work."
    5. Sunny Side Up(曬煎蛋)
      • 解釋: 形容煎蛋的一面是煮得蛋黃呈明亮的橙色,通常表示愉快、積極或成功的方式。
      • 例句: "She always looks at the sunny side of life and stays optimistic."
    6. Fair-Weather Friend(晴天朋友)
      • 解釋: 意指只在好時光時才支持或友好對待你的朋友。
      • 例句: "He's just a fair-weather friend; he's never there when you really need him."
    7. Bright and Early(早早的,一大早)
      • 解釋: 表示在很早的時間。
      • 例句: "We'll meet at the park bright and early for our morning jog."
    8. Sunshine State(陽光之州)
      • 解釋: 指的是佛羅里達州,但也可以用來表示一個地方普遍陽光充足。
      • 例句: "California is often called the Sunshine State due to its sunny weather."
    9. Blue Skies Ahead(前方是藍天)
      • 解釋: 表示前景看起來非常明朗,沒有困難或問題。
      • 例句: "With the new job offer, it looks like there are blue skies ahead for him."
    10. Walk on Sunshine(走在陽光下)
      • 解釋: 形容一個人感到非常愉快和幸福。
      • 例句: "Ever since they got engaged, she's been walking on sunshine."

    I have a deep appreciation for nature, and here, I offer both images and words that celebrate its beauty.
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