2023-09-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘




    1. Sleep with the Fishes(和魚一起睡)
      • 解釋: 意指某人已經去世,通常是因為不正當活動或暴力事件而死亡。
      • 例句: "The mobster met a tragic end and now sleeps with the fishes."
    2. Fish Out of Water(像魚在陸地上一樣)
      • 解釋: 表示某人感到不適應或不自在的環境。
      • 例句: "She grew up in the city, so when she moved to the countryside, she felt like a fish out of water."
    3. Cold Fish(冷魚)
      • 解釋: 形容一個人冷漠、感情不露的,通常難以親近或理解。
      • 例句: "He never shows any emotion; he's a real cold fish."
    4. Fish for Compliments(尋求讚美)
      • 解釋: 意指故意表現出需要讚美或夸獎的樣子。
      • 例句: "When she showed off her new dress, she was just fishing for compliments."
    5. Drink Like a Fish(像魚一樣喝酒)
      • 解釋: 意指某人喝酒非常多,可能有酗酒問題。
      • 例句: "He used to drink like a fish in his younger days, but he's sober now."

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