2024-03-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 26 分鐘

L7 Climate change


    In recent years, attention to climate change has increased. In addition to causing more frequent and severe extreme weather, rising temperatures have also caused damage to the environment and ecosystems, posing challenges to citizens' health and lives. What strikes me most is that climate change has brought about a series of impacts on the mosquito problem in Hong Kong.

    High-temperature environments provide ideal conditions for mosquitoes to grow and reproduce. High temperatures speed up the mosquito life cycle, causing them to hatch, develop and produce faster.

    Mosquito larvae hatch at an increased rate, allowing them to mature and transform into adult mosquitoes more quickly. The rapid increase in the number of mosquitoes increases the risk of mosquito-borne infectious diseases and affects mosquitoes' behavior and activity patterns.

    Hot weather makes mosquitoes more active, making it easier for them to find hosts and bite. High temperatures also increase the feeding needs of mosquitoes, causing them to seek blood to reproduce more frequently. In hot environments, people (that is me) are likelier to be bitten by mosquitoes.

    I can't believe that the temperature in December is no different from summer, and I can still hear the sound of 'buzz' at home 🙂 . Do you think mosquitoes will fly away and won't bite you if you turn on the air conditioner and lower the temperature? You're mistaken because they will wait in a corner or wall for the temperature to warm up before stinging you again 😇.

    Many people are worried and angry about climate change and consider it one of the most critical global issues. They recognize climate change's environmental, social, and economic impacts and the threats to future generations. In addition to calling on governments and businesses to take action and formulate more robust environmental protection policies, some have begun to take actions at the individual level, such as energy conservation, carbon reduction, and waste reduction. But when will the problem of climate change be fully solved?


    There are some pictures of me being bitten by a mosquito 🦟🩸


    The main purpose of this e-portfolio is to document the knowledge, concepts, learning, ideas, perspectives, and reflections on Environment and Health.
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