2024-05-29|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

每日英語 #012: 環境與「綠色洗腦」

原文: 環境與「綠色洗腦」

The Environment and “Greenwashing”

The importance of protecting and not harming the environment is an issue that more and more Americans are paying attention to, especially after Vice President Al Gore’s influential 2006 “documentary” (movie based on true events) An Inconvenient Truth.


American companies are trying to “appeal to” (make themselves more attractive to) consumers by claiming that their products are “earth-friendly” or “eco-safe,” when it is not clear whether they are or not. (“Eco” is short for “ecology,” which is the study of how people and other living things interact with their environment.)


This “practice” (way of doing things) is called “greenwashing,” since the color green is associated with nature and the environment. This new word comes from the old term “whitewashing,” which means to cover up or hide a mistake, problem, or “flaw” (imperfection; weakness) by putting something appealing or correct in front of it so people can’t easily see those problems. “Greenwashing,” then, means that a company is trying to hide the real way it does business by saying or claiming that the way their products are made does not harm the environment.


The U.S. government “regulates” (controls; supervises) how some words are used in advertising. For example, companies must meet “minimum” (lowest acceptable) requirements before they can call their products “organic” (grown or developed naturally, without chemicals) or “recycled” (turning waste or garbage into new products). However, as of 2012, there are no regulations about who can use terms like “eco-friendly” and “environmentally-safe.” So, buyers looking for “green” products have to “beware” (be careful). Consumers have to ask themselves: “Is this a product that will not harm the environment or is the company simply “greenwashing?”



  1. Greenwashing [ˈɡriːnˌwɒʃɪŋ] - 綠色洗腦,指公司試圖通過聲稱或宣稱其產品不會對環境造成傷害來隱藏其真正的商業行為。
  2. Documentary [ˌdɒkjʊˈmɛntri] - 紀於真實事件的電影。
  3. Eco [ˈiːkoʊ] - 環保的縮寫,指與生態學有關的。
  4. Whitewashing [ˈwaɪtˌwɒʃɪŋ] - 掩飾,隱瞞或掩蓋錯誤、問題或缺陷的行為。
  5. Regulation [ˌrɛɡjʊˈleɪʃən] - 監管,指控制或管理某事物的行為。
  6. Organic [ɔrˈɡænɪk] - 有機的,指自然生長或發展,不含化學品。
  7. Recycled [riˈsaɪkld] - 再生的,指將廢物或垃圾轉化為新產品的。
  8. Minimum [ˈmɪnɪməm] - 最低的,指最低可接受的水平或要求。
  9. Beware [bɪˈwɛər] - 注意,警惕,指提醒他人小心或警惕某事物。
  10. Green [ɡriːn] - 綠色,通常用於表示與自然和環境有關的事物。
  11. Appeal [əˈpil] - 吸引,指使某事物對他人感到吸引力或慷慨。
  12. Ecology [iːˈkɑlədʒi] - 生態學,研究人類和其他生物與環境之間相互作用的科學。
  13. Flaw [flɔ] - 缺陷,指錯誤或不完美的部分。
  14. Regulate [ˈrɛɡjuleɪt] - 監管,控制或管理某事物的行為或過程。
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