回到問題點,改用進階單字的用意在於展現詞彙資源(Lexical Resource)和文法範圍(Grammatical Range):不要把一個單字用上多次,因為重複使用就是單調、顯得考生黔驢技窮,因而難以在以上兩個評分項目上取得進展。根據這件事,我們要應付雅思口說和寫作測驗,【多樣性】或稱【多元化】的原則便因應而生。
懂得把多樣性原則運用在不重覆口說考題上的考生,在Speaking Part 1就不會發生如下情形:
Q: How often do you exercise?
A: I often exercise twice or three times a week.
也不會在Speaking Part 3這樣回答:
Do you think it's important to find a job that you love, or is it more important to earn a good salary?
A: In my opinion, it's more important to find a job I like very much.
Q: How often do you exercise?
把運動鍛鍊具體化成個別項目:I go jogging/do yoga/do weight training as often as possible,
Q: Do you think it's important to find a job that you love, or is it more important to earn a good salary?
I'd like to have one I can devote myself to even though the job with a salary comparable to that of most office workers in Taiwan.
Q: How often do you exercise?
使用具體的項目當主詞,主詞一旦改變,整句的句型必然隨之改換:Jogging occupies most of my free time for health purposes.
Q: Do you think it's important to find a job that you love, or is it more important to earn a good salary?
Being able to work from home is what I've been dreaming of, regardless of whether I like the job or how much I will get paid.