2024-06-02|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

Discussing the Academic Conference

本次練習的主題是「討論學術會議」,這是學術環境中常見的場景。在這篇文章中,我們將介紹一段由兩位學生進行的英語對話,並提供繁體中文翻譯及重要的單字解析。透過使用 NaturalReader 或是ChatGPT,您可以反覆聆聽這段對話,從而提升您的英語聽力和口語能力。



  1. Jessica (J)
  2. Daniel (D)


J: Hi Daniel, are you attending the academic conference next week?

J: 嗨,Daniel,你下週會參加那個學術會議嗎?

D: Hey Jessica! Yes, I am. There are several presentations on machine learning that seem very relevant to our research.

D: 嘿,Jessica!是的,我會去。有幾個關於機器學習的演講看起來與我們的研究非常相關。

J: Absolutely. I'm particularly interested in the keynote speech on neural networks.

J: 確實。我特別對神經網絡的主題演講感興趣。

D: Me too. It's fascinating to see how neural networks are being applied in different fields.

D: 我也是。看到神經網絡如何應用在不同領域真是太吸引人了。

J: Have you thought about how we could incorporate some of these ideas into our current project?

J: 你有沒有想過我們可以如何把這些想法納入我們現在的項目?

D: Yes, I think attending these sessions will give us valuable insights. We should take detailed notes and discuss them later.

D: 是的,我認為參加這些會議會給我們提供有價值的見解。我們應該詳細記錄並稍後討論。

J: Agreed. By the way, have you registered for the workshop on data analysis techniques?

J: 同意。順便問一下,你有註冊那個數據分析技術的工作坊嗎?

D: Not yet. I was planning to do that today. Do you want to join me?

D: 還沒有。我打算今天去註冊。你要一起嗎?

J: Sure, let's do it together. I heard they will cover some advanced topics that could be very beneficial for our research.

J: 當然,我們一起去吧。我聽說他們會討論一些對我們的研究非常有益的高級主題。

D: Sounds great. I'll meet you at the registration desk at 3 PM.

D: 聽起來不錯。我們三點在註冊處見。

J: Perfect. See you then!

J: 完美。到時見!


  1. Relevant (相關的):
    • Meaning: Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered.
    • Example: "There are several presentations on machine learning that seem very relevant to our research."
  2. Keynote Speech (主題演講):
    • Meaning: A main address at a conference that sets the underlying tone and summarizes the core message or most important revelation of the event.
    • Example: "I'm particularly interested in the keynote speech on neural networks."
  3. Incorporate (納入):
    • Meaning: To include something as part of something else.
    • Example: "We could incorporate some of these ideas into our current project."
  4. Insights (見解):
    • Meaning: The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something.
    • Example: "Attending these sessions will give us valuable insights."
  5. Workshop (工作坊):
    • Meaning: A meeting at which a group of people engage in intensive discussion and activity on a particular subject or project.
    • Example: "Have you registered for the workshop on data analysis techniques?"
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