2024-06-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 32 分鐘

Midjourney 咒語收藏筆記-公益海報設計

  1. 全球暖化
3D Earth with smoke and fire coming out of the South American side. In front is oil spilling from the bottom to the top as if dripping off the earth. The background should be white. There will also be small birds flying around the planet on both sides. It's like they don't have space between them. In the center there has been made a house with walls that form a half sphere shape. This wall makes a dome which forme shape. This wall makes a dome which sabapeab overs their head. At one point under the home you can see water flowing down. 

  1. 紙張要省著用,森林的樹不夠你用了
A stack of white paper with a dry forest growing, Forest fire, a few birds flying, a gradient background of white and green, a clean picture, surreal photography, creative illustrated ads, eco-friendly ads, real stereo photography, Tatsuya Tanaka, perfect lighting, studio lighting, HD quality, 8k 

  1. 人類不想給牠一個家
In a round transparent fish tank, there is polluted sea water and garbage. blue whale. black sea water, a few birds flying, a gradient background of white and green, a clean picture, surreal graphy , creative illustrated ads, eco-friendly ads, real stereo photography, Tatsuya Tanaka, perfect lighting, studio lighting, HD quality, 8k 

  1. 北極熊沒有家了
a polar bear made of ice with an oil rig and fire in the background, running on four legs, with smoke coming out from its mouth, carrying iceberg on its back, Offshore oil fields. It is set against an empty white background, creating a surreal effect. The composition features symmetrical elements and is captured through photography. This artwork presents a vivid depiction of nature's destruction, conveying both fearat

  1. 章魚先生拿鐵罐來裝飾自己
Octopus made from various cans, plastic bags and other garbage materials floating in the sea, plastic material, white and blue gradient background, clean picblue, clean picadi photography, creative illustration Advertising, environmentally friendly advertising, true stereoscopic photography, Tatsuya Tanaka, perfect lighting, studio lighting, high-definition picture quality, 8k

  1. 企鵝一家,無路可去
A penguin made of ice, with an oil rig and flames in the background, running on all fours, smoking from its mouth, carrying an iceberg on its back, offshore oil field. It's set against an empty white background, creating a surreal effect. This composition has an element of symmetry, which was captured through photography. the work vividly depicts the destruction of nature and conveys people's fears 

  1. 這環境讓牠難受的扭曲身體
A whale made of discarded nets, with a smokestack and flames in the background, swimming through the air, exhaling black smoke from its blowhole, carrying a coral reef, polluted beach. It's set against an empty white background, creating a surreal effect. This composition has an element of symmetry, which was captured through photography. The work vividly depicts the destruction of nature and conveys people's fears. 

  1. 我的草原被燒毀了,我只能奔跑著
A horse made of rubber, with a steel mill and flames in the background, galloping wildly, sweating oil, carrying a scorched meadow, burnt forest. It's set against an empty white background, creating a surreal effect. This composition has an element of symmetry, which was captured through photography. The work vividly depicts the destruction of nature and conveys people's fears.

  1. 遷徒了整個地球,依然沒一個是我家
A bird made of metal scraps, with a power plant and flames in the background, flying erratically, emitting sparks from its wings, carrying a dying tree, industrial wasteland. It's set against an empty white background, creating a surreal effect. This composition has an element of symmetry, which was captured through photography. The work vividly depicts the destruction of nature and conveys people's fears. 

  1. 我的家園沒了,我也不在美麗了
A peacock made of metal feathers, with a refinery and flames in the background, strutting proudly, shedding sparks, carrying a polluted pond, contaminated wetland. It's set against an empty white background, creating a surreal effect. This composition has an element of symmetry, which was captured through photography. The work vividly depicts the destruction of nature and conveys people's fears.





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