更新於 2024/07/24閱讀時間約 20 分鐘


  • 此系列內容來自詹姆斯.克利爾的免費郵件課程,使用其著作《Atomic Habits 原子習慣》的理論基礎,旨在30天內提供以下的資訊:
    V 消除習慣養成中可能產生的任何疑問
    V 獲得採取行動所需的工具與策略
    V 學習任何習慣養成都能適用的架構
  • 了解理論基礎後,如何將想要做的改變有效轉化成生活的一部分極為重要。常有人笑說「理想很豐滿,現實很骨感」,實際上,任何「想要」都存在「改變」的不確定性,因此要如何減緩生活加入這個改變的陣痛期,也是這堂課想要告訴我們的。
  • 文中學到一個口語用詞「check-in」。就我過往的認知,是旅行時到機場櫃檯、飯店櫃檯登記報到之意,而在文中,這詞指的是與親朋好友「一些非必要且非正式的破冰問候(也可以理解爲一些日常請安、問候)」,下面網頁內容的具體實例也能讓大家摸索真實意涵:

How to Fit New Habits in Your Life

Lesson 3 of 11
How to Fit New Habits in Your Life

Many people think they lack motivation when what they really lack is clarity. It is not always obvious when and where to take action. 
In the last lesson, we talked about designing a two-minute version of your habit. In this lesson, we’re going to discuss the ideal time and location to insert that habit into your life. In other words, we’re going to find a clear and specific space for your new habit to live. If you can find the right time and the right place for your new habit, everything falls into place.

Here's how to do it:
One effective way to insert a new habit into your life is with an “implementation intention.” An implementation intention is a plan you make beforehand about when and where to act. That is, how you intend to implement your habit.
Scientists have found that if you make an implementation intention, you are more likely to follow through with your plans and stick to your habits. This is true whether you are building habits like recycling, studying, going to sleep early, stopping smoking, and many others.

The simple way to apply this strategy to your habits is to fill out this sentence:
I will [BEHAVIOR] at [TIME] in [LOCATION].
Let me give you a few examples of what this looks like.

  • I will make a green smoothie at 7am in my kitchen. 
  • I will stretch at 9pm in my bedroom. 
  • I will send my partner a check-in text at the beginning of my lunch break in the office.
  • I will open my textbooks at 7pm at my desk in my dorm room. 
  • I will make my bed after I turn off my alarm in my bedroom. 


  • 早上七點時,我會在廚房打精力湯/綠色果泥
  • 晚上九點時,我會在寢室拉筋
  • 在午休開始時,我會在辦公室傳簡訊給我的伴侶問安
  • 晚上七點時,我會在宿舍的書桌上打開我的記事本
  • 當我關掉鬧鐘後,我會在寢室鋪好床

The crucial step here is finding the right time and location to insert the new habit into your daily routine. You are looking for the decisive moment where your new habit should live.
Make sure your implementation intention is specific and clear. Here are a few more examples: 

  • I will drink 16 ounces of water after I brush my teeth in my bathroom. 
  • I will recycle the junk mail after I get the mail at noon in the mail room. 
  • I will rank my priorities for the day at 8:30am at my desk.


  • 在我刷完牙後,我會在廁所喝16盎司的水(*作者是美國人,這行為請因地制宜)
  • 在我中午收到信後,我會在收發室回收垃圾信件
  • 每天早上8:30,我會坐在我的位置上排序待辦事項的優先順序

When and where you choose to insert a habit into your daily routine can make a big difference. If you’re trying to add meditation into your morning routine but mornings are chaotic and your kids keep running into the room, then that may be the wrong place and time. Consider when you are most likely to be successful. Don’t ask yourself to do a habit when you’re likely to be occupied with something else.
The more tightly bound your new habit is to a specific time and location, the better the odds are that you will notice when the time comes to act.

Week 1 Summary

  • True behavior change is identity change. Anyone can convince themselves to visit the gym or eat healthy once or twice, but if you don’t shift the belief behind the behavior, then it is hard to stick with long-term changes. Improvements are only temporary until they become part of who you are. Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.
  • A habit must be established before it can be improved. You need to master the art of showing up. 
  • If you can master the right habit at the right time, everything falls into place. The more tightly bound your new habit is to a specific time and place, the better the odds are that you will notice when the time comes to act.


  • 真正的行為改變來自於身份改變。任何人都可以說服他們自己一週去健身房或吃健康餐一、兩次,但如果你不轉變行為背後的信念,那就很難成為一種能堅持下來的長期改變。在這些改變成為構成你的一部分之前,所有改善都是暫時的,而你採取的任何行為,都是在將你塑造成你希望成為的某種人。
  • 在優化一個習慣之前,你必須先建立這個習慣。你必須先瞭解並精熟「在這件事中參與及出現的藝術」。
  • 如果你能在正確的時間掌握正確的習慣,所有事情都會在它們應該在的位置上。你的新習慣和某個具體的時間與地點融合得越緊密,在付諸行動時,你越能從中發現到好的成果。

Week 1 Progress Check-In

  • By the end of Week 1, you should have a two-minute version of a habit that reinforces your desired identity, and a clear and specific implementation intention for adding it into your daily routine.


  • 第一週的結束,你應該已經有了能夠強化期望身份的兩分鐘版本習慣,以及一個清晰明確的、可以加入日常規律的執行意向。

That's all for Lesson 3. See you in the next lesson,

James Clear
Author of Atomic Habits and keynote speaker​



Helpful bonuses and downloads

  • Implementation Intention template – Use this template to make a plan for when and where you'll fit your new habit into your routine.
  • Workbook – This 18-page PDF includes an action checklist (including templates for key strategies) for each lesson of the course, plus lesson summaries and a key terms dictionary. 
  • Examples Database – The examples database is a Google Sheet of 140+ examples of how to implement each strategy covered in this course for dozens of different habits. 

References and further reading

  • For more on implementation intentions, see Chapter 5 of Atomic Habits.
  • If you make an implementation intention, you are more likely to follow through: Sarah Milne, Sheina Orbell, and Paschal Sheeran, “Combining Motivational and Volitional Interventions to Promote Exercise Participation: Protection Motivation Theory and Implementation Intentions,” British Journal of Health Psychology 7 (May 2002): 163–184; Peter Gollwitzer and Paschal Sheeran, “Implementation Intentions and Goal Achievement: A Meta-Analysis of Effects and Processes,” Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 38 (2006): 69–119; Katherine L. Milkman, John Beshears, James J. Choi, David Laibson, and Brigitte C. Madrian, “Using Implementation Intentions Prompts to Enhance Influenza Vaccination Rates,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, no. 26 (June 2011): 10415–10420; Katherine L. Milkman, John Beshears, James J. Choi, David Laibson, and Brigitte C. Madrian, “Planning Prompts as a Means of Increasing Preventive Screening Rates,” Preventive Medicine 56, no. 1 (January 2013): 92–93; David W. Nickerson and Todd Rogers, “Do You Have a Voting Plan? Implementation Intentions, Voter Turnout, and Organic Plan Making,” Psychological Science 21, no. 2 (2010): 194–199; “Policymakers around the World Are Embracing Behavioural Science,” The Economist, May 18, 2017; Edwin Locke and Gary Latham, “Building a Practically Useful Theory of Goal Setting and Task Motivation: A 35-Year Odyssey,” American Psychologist 57, no. 9 (2002): 705–717, doi:10.1037//0003–066x.57.9.705.


  • Implementation Intention template – 用這個範本來做你要怎麼將新習慣化入日常「何時何地」的計畫吧。
  • Workbook – 這是一份18頁的PDF檔,內容包括一份每一堂課的行動檢查表(內有關鍵策略的範本),加上課程統整與專有名詞辭典。
  • Examples Database – 這是一個內有超過140個策略應用實例的Google表單,每個策略都適用於數十種不同的習慣培養。 


  • 執行意向的詳細說明,請參見《原子習慣》第5章
  • 行為與顯化的身份認同趨於一致:克里斯多福J.布萊恩等人共同撰寫的論文《透過自我調整來激勵內在動機(暫譯)》,收錄於美國國家科學院院刊108,第31期,2011年
  • 「一但你開始佈局執行意向,你就比較有可能遵循你的計畫」: 莎拉.米爾納、夏娜.奧貝爾與帕斯卡.希蘭共同撰寫的論文〈結合動機和意志干預以促進運動參與:保護動機理論與執行意向〉,收錄於《英國健康心理學雜誌》第七輯,2022年5月;彼得.戈爾維策與帕斯卡.希蘭共同撰寫的論文〈執行意向與目標達成:影響性與過程的統合分析〉, 收錄於《進階實驗社會心理學期刊》第三十八輯,2006年;凱薩琳.米爾克曼、約翰.貝謝爾、詹姆斯.J.蔡、大衛.萊布森與布莉姬.C.瑪德里安共同撰寫的論文〈利用執行意向提高流感疫苗注射率〉,收錄於《美國國家科學院院刊》第一零八輯,第二十六集,2011年6月;凱薩琳.米爾克曼、約翰.貝謝爾、詹姆斯.J.蔡、大衛.萊布森與布莉姬.C.瑪德里安共同撰寫的論文〈將規劃提示作為提高預防性篩查率的方式之一〉,收錄於《預防醫學》第五十六輯,第一集,2013年1月;大衛.W.尼克森與陶德.羅傑斯共同撰寫的論文〈你有投票計劃嗎?執行意向、選民投票率和有機計劃制定〉,收錄於《心理學》第二十一輯,第二集,2010年;〈世界各地的政策制定者都在接受行為科學〉,收錄於《經濟學人》,2017年5月18日;埃德溫.洛克與蓋瑞.萊瑟姆〈建立一個實用的目標設定和任務動機理論:35年的奧德賽〉,收錄於《美國心理學家》第五十七輯,第九集,2002年


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