2024-08-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 26 分鐘

High doses of meth 紐西蘭慈善機構發放冰毒糖果




A charity in Auckland, New Zealand unknowingly distributed candies filled with potentially lethal doses of methamphetamine.


The sweets were donated by a member of the public in a sealed retail package that staff had started to contact up to 400 people to track down parcels.

這些糖果是由一名公眾以密封零售包裝捐贈,工作人員已開始聯繫多達 400 人來追蹤包裹。

At least three people, including a child, sought medical attention afterwards though none are currently in hospital.


New Zealand’s police have opened a criminal investigation and say the incident could be accidental rather than a deliberate attack.


The candies had tested by the NZ Drug Foundation. In a statement, the amount of methamphetamine in each candy was up to 300 times the level someone would usually take and could be lethal.


Methamphetamine is a powerful, highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. It can cause chest pain, racing heart, seizures, hyperthermia, delirium and loss of consciousness.


The candy packaging is from the Malaysian confectioner Rinda.In a statement, the company said, we "do not use or condone the use of any illegal drugs" in their products. We will work closely with law enforcement and relevant authorities to address this issue." 

此糖果包裝是來至馬來西亞糖果公司Rinda,在一份聲明中表示,公司“不使用也不縱容在產品中使用任何非法藥物。” 我們將與執法部門和相關機構密切合作,以解決問題。”


📷Photo: AP

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