2024-08-27|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 32 分鐘


    跟 布萊恩 畫上句點後,我有一小段的沉澱回顧兩人之間的互動。

    明明理智上我明白彼此在重要議題上不那麼合拍,在沒有開始前就斷乾淨對我們是最好的保護,但是內心還是有一點小遺憾。我甚至思考自己是不是有哪些明顯瑕疵,導致『被』布萊恩 畫上句點。頓時間很能體會一些遭打槍的人產生自我價值懷疑,即使我們只是見一面而已都有些餘波盪漾,更何況有些長時間投入關係的情侶,分道揚鑣後應該會有多對自己質疑的聲音吧!?






    我以為自己已經刀槍不入,但在國外單獨面對各種牛鬼蛇神,才發現自己沒想像中堅強,有些感受除非親身體會,否則很難跟別人形容那種無形壓在肩頭之重,也是那時候內心特別容易軟弱,加上自己的驕傲使然,才有 布萊恩 這一段插曲。只是這次還沒學到教訓,之後我在這主題上換了一個對象又重修了一遍。

    經過這次經驗,我比之前更謹慎過濾,偶爾在平台看到 極.少.數. 對象提到信仰在他(們)身上的重要性,看到他(們),彷彿看到自己的處境,格外能同理那種不知道自己的亞當(或夏娃)是否存的疑惑!所以,我並不懷抱任何期待,反而以一個『局外人』的身分給對方留個像臉書”讚”的功能,希望藉此鼓勵同樣處境的基督徒,傳遞 我.懂.你.的.心.情.加.油.

    怎知…布先生 回我訊息了。

    『Hi, my name is…』

    說實在,光看照片,布先生 不是我的菜,但是人家好歹很誠懇地寫了一段,我也基於禮貌給予回應,結果我們就這樣一來一往的書信頻繁了起來。

    在精神科工作,和每位個案工作都有分期:認識期、工作期、結束期之類的。我大概被精神科工作洗腦太深,不自覺也把這樣的分期套用在我跟 布先生 的認識歷程,跟個案會談的技巧也引入當中,不光是橫斷面的系統性評估,縱向面的評估也隨著認識時間拉長而更完整,個人覺得當初在精深科的訓練真是 棒.極.了.(哈)。




    1. Fear of the Lord- including no premarital sex, following the tithe, attending church/fellowship, reading the Bible, praying… The teaching from the Bible is basically what I hope my partner can follow. I hope my partner can motivate me to be closer to God.

    2. Praying together - it’s important to pray alone, but when it comes to a relationship, I hope I can pray with my partner once a week at least. Through praying together, we can know how are our lives going by revealing our feelings and thoughts so we can support and encourage each other. Especially since it’s pretty hard to meet in person because of the pandemic, praying together (virtually) might maintain the connection.

    3. Willing to communicate and negotiate - no one is exactly the same even though two people share the same interests and beliefs. I believe there is a reason behind every thought/feeling/act. When we don’t feel comfortable about something made by the other one, I hope we can talk about it. If there is any misunderstanding, we can work it out together rather than having a huge fight. I don’t feel like wasting my time and energy on some conflicts we can prevent in advance. (But I am willing to waste my time and energy on something interesting, haha)

    4. Emotional stability, no drama - even though conflict/oral fight can be interpreted as an alternative way of communication, I would rather talk about everything in a calm manner rationally.

    5. Being honest, trustworthy, and responsible - it’s the basic, I suppose!

    6. Willing to grow mentally - some people stop growing more mature after getting married and it’s not what I am pleased to see. He needs to have self-awareness and self-reflection.

    7. Financial stability- use the money wisely, no debt. Be the master of money, not the servant of money.

    8. Willing to maintain the relationship- Both of us have to devote our time, energy, money, and resources to maintain the relationship.

    9. I can be who I am in front of him, not what I need to achieve to earn his respect and love. No need to pretend.

    10. Replying to the message is important to me, it’s okay if he can’t send it right away (because some people need more time to compose, and I need more time to write it in English) but short notice will be necessary.

    11. Bonus (some qualities that will attract me more) a. willing to share his stories with me b. surprise me in a good way, ex being thoughtful.

    收到我的回覆後,布先生 說他完全同意,某些他之前沒有想到的部分,我都幫他補上了。




    約莫兩個月,布先生 信中改變以往輕鬆口吻,顯得有些嚴肅,表達以他對自己的了解,有些話如果現在不說,他應該一輩子都不會說,經過這段時間的文字溝通,他發現我們有許多共通點,最後說…

    『I am interested in you.』





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