更新於 2024/11/29閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

探索TradingView與Pine Script:打造屬於你的投資分析工具

A mesmerizing 3D render of an abstract painting that delves into the intricate balance of shadow and light. The interplay of these elements generates a sense of depth and fluidity, reflecting the multifaceted nature of life. A brilliantly colored flower stands out prominently within a vast expanse of swirling hues and textures, representing the distinct journey each individual embarks upon within the broader tapestry of existence. The impressionistic style captures the raw emotion and essence of the experience, emphasizing feeling over meticulous detail, leading to a deeply stirring and contemplative masterpiece., 3d render

A mesmerizing 3D render of an abstract painting that delves into the intricate balance of shadow and light. The interplay of these elements generates a sense of depth and fluidity, reflecting the multifaceted nature of life. A brilliantly colored flower stands out prominently within a vast expanse of swirling hues and textures, representing the distinct journey each individual embarks upon within the broader tapestry of existence. The impressionistic style captures the raw emotion and essence of the experience, emphasizing feeling over meticulous detail, leading to a deeply stirring and contemplative masterpiece., 3d render




除了內建的分析工具外,TradingView的最大亮點之一是Pine Script,一種專為TradingView設計的輕量級編程語言,讓用戶能夠自定義技術指標、策略和警報。

什麼是Pine Script?

Pine Script是TradingView專屬的腳本語言,它的設計簡潔且易於上手,適合沒有程式背景的用戶快速入門。使用Pine Script,你可以:

  • 創建自定義的技術指標
  • 編寫交易策略,並進行回測
  • 設定價格警報,觸發特定條件時通知

例如,你可以使用Pine Script編寫一個簡單的均線交叉策略:

indicator("均線交叉策略", overlay=true)
short_ma = ta.sma(close, 10)
long_ma = ta.sma(close, 50)
plot(short_ma, color=color.red, title="短期均線")
plot(long_ma, color=color.blue, title="長期均線")
long_signal = ta.crossover(short_ma, long_ma)
plotshape(series=long_signal, title="買入信號", style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green)

Pine Script的主要特性

  1. 即時圖表繪製:Pine Script支持在圖表上即時繪製數據,讓用戶能夠即時可視化技術指標和信號。
  2. 回測功能:你可以在歷史數據上測試策略,驗證其表現並進一步優化。
  3. 簡單易學:Pine Script語法設計簡單,僅需基礎的程式知識即可上手。
  4. 豐富的內建函數:例如移動平均線(ta.sma)、相對強弱指數(ta.rsi)、布林帶(ta.bb)等。


  1. 建立TradingView帳號:註冊一個免費帳號即可開始使用基本功能。
  2. 開啟腳本編輯器:在TradingView的圖表頁面底部,找到「Pine Script編輯器」。
  3. 編寫與測試腳本:在編輯器中輸入你的Pine Script代碼,點擊「添加到圖表」來檢視結果。
  4. 加入社群互動:參考其他用戶分享的腳本,從中學習並改進自己的策略。

Pine Script的應用範例

1. 自訂技術指標


2. 策略回測


3. 警報觸發



TradingView結合了強大的圖表功能與靈活的Pine Script語言,讓投資者能夠輕鬆定制屬於自己的分析工具。如果你想提升投資效率、創建獨特的交易策略,不妨試試TradingView和Pine Script,釋放你的交易潛能!


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