- spearhead (vt) 領導 (L6)
to lead an attack or movement
- redesign (vt) 重新設計 (L3)
to design something again in a different way
- repair (vt) 修復 (L3)
to restore something damaged to a good condition
- relationship (CN) 關係 (L3)
the way in which two people or groups are connected
- boom (CN) 激增 (L4)
a period of rapid growth or increase
- overall (adj) 整體的 (L4)
including everything or everyone
- value (UN) 價值 (L3)
the importance, worth, or usefulness of something
- surpass (vt) 超越 (L5)
to exceed or go beyond
- rival (CN) 競爭對手 (L4)
a person or group competing with others
- grapple (vt) 應對 (L6)
to deal with or struggle to overcome
- geopolitical (adj) 地緣政治的 (L6)
related to the influence of geography on politics
- challenge (CN) 挑戰 (L3)
a task or situation that tests someone’s abilities
- reshape (vt) 重塑 (L5)
to change the structure or form of something
- industry (UN) 產業 (L3)
economic activity concerned with manufacturing
- view (vt) 看待、視為 (L3)
to consider in a particular way
- supercomputing (UN) 超級運算 (L6)
the use of powerful computers for complex tasks
- wellspring (CN) 源泉 (L6)
an abundant source of something
- profit (CN) 利潤 (L3)
financial gain
- growth (UN) 增長 (L3)
an increase in size or value
- rely (vi) 依賴 (L3)
to depend on
- factor (CN) 因素 (L3)
something that contributes to a result
- security (UN) 安全 (L3)
the state of being free from danger
- unpredictable (adj) 難以預測的 (L4)
not able to be predicted
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