The Life of a Plastic Bag

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Reference: 龍騰B1L5

I am a plastic bag. When I was very young, I (1) from the factory to a convenience store. I stayed there (2) a long time and waited eagerly to be used. (3), some kids came along, bought some snacks, and (4) me along (4) the beach for a picnic. When it (5) dark, they packed everything up and let me stay there alone! The wind started (6) , and suddenly I was in the sea all on my own.


I floated (7) in the water for a while, but soon realized I wasn’t alone. I was surrounded by plastic cups, plates, and straws. After days of drifting, I started to envy the birds up above (8) were flying so high and free. I could only follow the currents. Suddenly, I went down a tunnel into a chamber. “What happened?” I asked a fork (9) me. “I think we were just swallowed by a huge fish!” he replied. More and more of us were swallowed (10) it got quite (11) . inside. We obviously weren’t (12) nutritious* because the fish died after a few days.


The fish’s body slowly decomposed, and then I was back in the ocean. (13), a big wave came and threw me up onto the shore. A few days later, some schoolchildren walked up to me. They were carrying bags and (14) of tongs. I felt a sudden pinch, and the next thing I knew, I was inside a big bag of trash. A teacher told the schoolchildren, “ (15) all the littering, a lot of plastic (16) end up in the ocean. They are then consumed by different sea creatures. You might think that’s okay, but when we eat seafood, the (17) substances from the plastic end up inside us and make us feel sick.”


(18) a plastic bottle nearby, the humans are going to take us to a recycling plant. I really don’t understand them. They produce us to (19) their lives better, but then they misuse us and make everyone’s life worse! I’m tired of (20) . around, killing fish, and causing harm to the environment. I really hope (21) my future owner will use me properly in my next life.

  1. (A) was sending (B) sent (C) send (D)was sent
  2. (A) on (B) in (C) for (D) at
  3. (A) Finally (B) Actually (C) Although (D)In fact
  4. (A) come; along (B) took; to (C) start; to (D) bring; to
  5. (A)was getting (B) was gotten (C) get (D) got
  6. (A) howl (B) howled (C) to howling (D)to howl
  7. (A) endlessly (B) helplessly (C) selflessly (D) carelessly
  8. (A) x (B) that (C), who (D) who
  9. (A) from (B)next to (C) between (D) above
  10. (A) until (B) when (C) while (D) at
  11. (A) swallowed (B) surrounded (C) poisonous (D)crowded
  12. (A) a lot (B) such (C) much (D)that
  13. (A)One day (B) Some day (C) A day (D) few days
  14. (A) sheets (B) herds (C)pairs (D) flocks
  15. (A) As (B) Since (C) Because (D)Because of
  16. (A) currents (B) tongs (C) substances (D) products
  17. (A)poisonous (B) jealous (C) curious (D) generous
  18. (A) As to (B) According to (C) Rather than (D) Except for
  19. (A) allow (B) have (C)make (D) cause
  20. (A) float (B) to float (C) floated (D)floating
  21. (A) when (B) that (C) where (D) which



6-10 DBCBA

11-15 DDACD

16-21 DABCDB


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