- It was a dazzling spectacle: a life-size army of painted clay soldiers buried to guard an emperor’s tomb.
這是一場耀眼的盛況:一支用彩繪陶土製成的真人大小的軍隊,被埋葬以守護皇帝的墓穴。 - Now archeologists and artists, armed with the latest tools and techniques, are bringing that ancient vision back to life.
現在,考古學家和藝術家們配備最新的工具和技術,正在將這一古老的景象重新帶回生活。 - In the earthen pit in central China, under what used to be their village’s persimmon orchard, three middle-aged women are hunched over an ancient jigsaw puzzle.
在中國中部的土坑中,在曾經是他們村莊的柿子樹果園下,三位中年女性正俯身於一個古老的拼圖。 - What Yang and her friends are doing, in fact, is piecing together the 2,200-year-old mystery of the terra-cotta army, part of the celebrated (and still dimly understood) burial complex of China’s first emperor, Qin Shi Huang Di.楊和她的朋友們正在做的,實際上是在拼湊2200年前的陶俑軍隊之謎,這是中國第一位皇帝秦始皇的著名(且仍然不被完全了解的)陵墓群的一部分。
- It usually takes Yang and her co-workers many days to transform a heap of clay fragments into a full-size warrior, but today they are lucky, accomplishing the task in a matter of hours.
通常,楊和她的同事們需要花費多天時間,才能將一堆陶土碎片轉變為一具完整的戰士,但今天她們運氣不錯,幾個小時內就完成了這項任務。 - The monochrome figures that visitors to Xian’s terra-cotta museum see today actually began as multicoloured fantasy of a ruler whose grandiose ambitions extended beyond the mortal realm.
現在,西安的陶俑博物館中,遊客所見的單色雕像實際上源自於一位統治者的多彩幻想,其宏大的野心超越了凡間。 - Aside from building the first lengths of the Great Wall, the tyrannical reformer standardized the nation’s writing system, currency, and measurements.
除了修建第一段長城,這位專制的改革者還標準化了全國的書寫系統、貨幣和度量衡。 - Sadly, most of the colours did not survive the crucible of time – or the exposure to air that comes with discovery and excavation.
可悲的是,大多數顏色受不住時間的洗禮,隨着發掘和暴露於空氣中而消失。 - One study showed that once exposed, the lacquer underneath the paint begins to curl after 15 seconds and flake off in just four minutes – vibrant pieces of history lost in the time it takes to boil an egg.
- 第8句“did not survive the crucible of time”基本上在所有文章,甚至口語考試都用得着吧!例如:
- This hotel did not survive the crucible of time, the halls and rooms inevitably look old and ill-maintained. (這酒店經不起時間的洗禮,大堂和房間都無可避免地顯得殘舊和日久失修。)
- In revitalising heritage buildings, we should make sure the building materials can survive the crucible of time, so as not to pose any safety threats to visitors.(當保育歷史建築時,我們應確保建築物料經得起時間的洗禮,才不會對遊人造成安全威脅。)
- 至於第9句,我喜歡的是他用非常日常生活的例子(煮雞蛋)去對比重要的歷史文物如何瞬間消逝。我認為,我們在作文中,也能嘗試利用這樣的手法,例如:
- He cannot believe all his earnings these years were lost at the moment the war started. (他不敢相信他多年來的收入就在開戰的一刻都失去了。)
- The trust in the relationship cracks with the smallest lie. (一段關係裡的信任會因為最小的謊言而產生裂痕。)
由於2013年DSE英文科閱讀卷part A比較艱深,為了不讓大家感到很吃力,我還是把它分成上下兩篇好了。現在,如果你還有氣力,去看看下一部份吧:
2013年文憑試英文閱讀 Part A (2013 DSE Eng pp1 Part A) (2)