結論放在前: 投資不能憑感覺,投資是要靠科學(單押) 定期定額投就對了 time in the market not timing the market 不應該等待股市崩潰的3個原因 1.等待令人身心俱疲 2.你根本不會買 3.等待是無用的 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Wait For the Stock Market to Crash 📷 📷 Investing in Stocks At All-Time Highs 📷 📷 📷史上最長的蕭條期前四名 📷 📷 Waiting for the Market to Crash is a Terrible Strategy Market Timing Simulator 範例 What if You Only Invested at Market Peaks? 📷 📷 📷 0050 20210104 ~ 20210114 已漲約9% 📷 What Happens When You Buy the Dip? How missing out on 25 days in the stock market over 45 years costs you dearly 📷 📷 肯恩費雪教你看懂投資市場(Markets Never Forget)讀後感2---懼高症的投資應用