Covid-19 起始於 2019 年末,人們戴上口罩,到今年 2023 年四月全球才稍為重回正軌,這場瘟疫,改變了一些國家的國運,亦改變了很多行業的模式,近代互聯網絡興起,人類文明社會進入了新的末世紀元,「工作」不再限於辦公室的朝九晚五制度,甚至家居作業都變成新的常態。
過去半個世紀以來,日本藝能界有 15 家經紀公司,每個新年的紅白歌唱對壘,好不熱鬧,但看來都在這幾年的疫情影響,受到重創,加上互聯網的發展,愈來愈多歌迷在串流上獲得更多歌曲娛樂,今日的最熱門流行曲趨勢,不再由「娛樂圈內」的人說了算,很多網上有實力的散兵游將,這些獨立歌手,卻由網上「觀看流量」去認證。
日本女歌手「Anna Aya あんな綾」2023年 7月26 日在網上平台發放了歌曲《Someone Else》,不但吸引了大批粉絲,亦受到 VEVO 的重視,從這首歌曲可以看到網上串流開始衝擊日本的藝能界,甚至「樂風」潮流亦由有創意的歌手自行發揮,不再由樂評人所左右,卻是直接以粉絲們第一印象去評價。
現在《Someone Else》被評為復古之風,聽到 1990 及 2000 年代的味道,看來那個時代的普世音樂有其獨特、值得令人懷緬的一面,更值得以其基礎去創新。
明顯地《Someone Else》有98% 都是英文歌詞,對象不單是日本聽眾,而是有野心地建立全球粉絲,面對國際。
Someone Else》歌詞
I heard you say it to so many girls before
And when we started it was everyday or more
And now it seems like lately things just ain't the same
At least if I go by the things that you don't say
(日文 In a word Say you love me That's all)
(日文 But You don't say This ending story)
(日文 A perioe reflected in you eyes )
I think that you might think that I am not the one
I haven't heard you say I love you for so long
(日文 If you feel Let me hear it here now )
A girl just needs to hear it for herselt
Or she might from someone else
(日文 Heart pain provokes Sleepless night)
You're still here in my life
(日文 One person who gets used to it little by little)
(日文Even so, the face that does not disappear )
I feel myself slipping away
But there's not much you'd have to say
To Stop this breaking heart
But you won't And if that's how the story goes
Then the book will have to close