November 18

閱讀時間約 2 分鐘
【作者】Eileen Caddy
Use all you have for the benefit of the whole. Do not try to accumulate or hoard it, but share it; for as you share, so will it grow; whereas if you try to hold on and possess something or someone, you will surely lose it. It is the law, and as you live it, you will see it working out all around you. If you have some packets of seeds and you put them away in a cupboard and forget about them, nothing will happen to them, and there they will remain. But if you take them and plant them in the ground and tend them, they will not only grow but will accumulate and produce more and more. So with all you have: never try to cling on to it but gladly share it, and watch it grow and grow in quantity and quality. When your attitude is right, you know that all your needs are being wonderfully met, and that all I have is yours.
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