Fashawn以真切又誠懇的語氣,把自幼的童年生活自然而然地呈現出來,同時,也讓聽者可以看到另一種並非充滿槍枝、毒品、暴力的黑人貧民生活,很真實也很令人不捨。「Life As a Shorty」的意思可以翻成「童年生活」,shorty這個詞會代表的是「新來的」、「新手」、「菜鳥」,延伸來看,「Life As a Shorty/生命中的菜鳥」即為年紀尚輕的幼童。在第一段歌詞,Fashawn簡單鋪陳了他成長的背景:
還記得那時我們住在拖車屋裡 Remember, livin' in a trailer 食物都是用微波爐或是電燉鍋做出來的 Cookin' dinner out a Crockpot or we would microwave it 基本上,家裡的電視只有七個頻道可以看 Basic, television same seven stations 從小我要看有線電視只能去鄰居家看 On a twelve-inch, I had to watch cable at the neighbors 等我大一些之後,才知道我家多窮 Didn't know how broke we was 'til I got older 我也從來不知道我有個老爸,直到有天他現身了 Never knew I had a father until he showed up 不知道是怎麼回事,總之他跑來想跟我媽復合 Out the blue, tryin' to get back wit mama 然後一堆繼父也陸續到來,現在有趣了 Stepdad walks in, now here comes the drama 說真的,人還不少 Had a couple of em, to be honest 威廉、史考特這些人負責帶我去買東西 Like William, Scott, they would always take me shoppin' 拉斐與馬克,他們負責帶我去看醫生 Ralphie and Mark, they would take me to the doctor 我一律都叫他們老爸,即使我不是他們親生的 I call em all Daddy even though they didn't have me 其他孩子們總愛以我的衣服取笑我 Kids used to make fun of my clothes 直到有天其中一個被我一拳灌在鼻子上 'til one of em got punched in the nose 看來,我是被逼著要強悍起來 Kinda like I was forced to be tough 一個小孩的童年生活不該這麼硬的,不過,嘿 Life as a shorty shouldn't be so rough, but hey
即使我因為年幼的關係 Even though, I'm young and I can't see 無法清楚洞悉這些人事物,看著我吧 The forest from the trees, follow me 而當我長大後,我一定會 And when I'm grown, you know I'm bound to be 成為了不起的黑鬼,看著我吧 The H.N.I.C., follow me 老媽,我沒事的,妳就讓我做我的事 Mama, I'll be alright, just let me do my thing 讓我追逐我的夢,這才是真正的我 Following my dreams, this is me
所謂的「H.N.I.C.」代表著「Head Nigga in Charge」,意思也就是在黑人中具有影響力、代表性的人物。Charge這個字有時候會在電影中看到,當某個人問一群人說「你們誰是老大(這裡誰負責)?」時,就會用「Who's in charge?」,所以,Fashawn向自己期許要成為同胞中具有領導力的人物。
我愛我的童年生活,除了那些漫天槍火以外 I love my childhood, despite the gunfire 成長在貧民窟裡的我其實很快樂 I was quite happy growin' up in the slums 有很多個老爸並不是甚麼壞事 It wasn't too bad, havin' a few dads 唯一我不喜歡的就是沒錢 The only thing I disliked was not havin' cash 那種手邊只有一兩塊錢的感覺 What I'd give for a couple of bucks 喔,一個小孩的童年生活不該這麼硬的,不過,嘿 Man, life as a shorty shouldn't be so rough, but hey