當你找出《Donuts》仔細聆聽時,你會在歌曲〈Waves〉中聽到J Dilla將 70 年代搖滾樂團「10 cc」的成名單曲〈John, Don’t Do It〉,悄悄地改成了有點模糊但卻不斷繚繞地「John Do It, John Do It」,這代表了什麼?首先,「Waves」傳達出浪潮的意味,J Dilla 知道自己將不久於人世,他知道必須要鼓勵後進晚輩持續往前,嘗試著開拓出更寬廣遼闊的音樂幅員;再來,「John Do It, John Do It」中的John不是別人,正是J Dilla的親生弟弟「John Derek Yancey」,也就是我們後來所知道的「Illa J」。
MANY the wonders I this day have seen: The sun, when first he kist away the tears That fill’d the eyes of morn;—the laurel’d peers Who from the feathery gold of evening lean;— The ocean with its vastness, its blue green, Its ships, its rocks, its caves, its hopes, its fears,— Its voice mysterious, which whoso hears Must think on what will be, and what has been. E’en now, dear George, while this for you I write, Cynthia is from her silken curtains peeping So scantly, that it seems her bridal night, And she her half-discover’d revels keeping. But what, without the social thought of thee, Would be the wonders of the sky and sea?
J Dilla向Illa J分享了他生命中的精華與美好,同時以歌曲傳達了他所要表述的一切;而 Illa J決心從哥哥手中接下棒子的那一刻起,即代表了Yancey家族的音樂事業將在這個圈子中延續。2008年,J Dilla過世後的第二年,Illa J以一張《Yancey Boys》宣告了自己將要踏上音樂之路的決心。
Illa J以哥哥遺留下來的精髓為基底,傾注了自己對於兄長的思念和下一階段人生的期望,加上了節奏藍調與靈魂樂的烘托,情同手足的兩位兄弟用如此特殊的方式共同完成了一張專輯。其中,那一曲〈We Here〉更是突顯了Illa J抱著哥哥的未竟之夢,打算開創出另一番屬於「Yancey家族」的音樂榮景:
當歌詞唱到最後,Illa J說著:
Yeah, Illa J And Jay Dee The Yancey Boys from Detroit, Michigan We comin for that number one spot We ’bout to rock the world We ’bout to rock the world We ’bout to rock the world We gon’ rock the world, uhh