Nothing Is For Free

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Photo Credit by Sofi Photography
Have you ever been asked by a friend or company to introduce someone to them?
We do, we have several these types of requests. So what will you do? You will randomly give your friends some contacts just because they asked for it? Hey! Please be considerate before you do it. If you ask why? I would like to congratulate to you that you are very lucky that you never suffer from it.
The referral isn’t an easy job.
If you didn’t do your homework, or background check, or KYC (Know Your Customer), you refer the wrong contact to your friends, and they suffered from it, or they even lose money on it, you ruined your reputation as well. Of course, you could say it is not your problem, it is the contact’s problem, however, there is definitely some effect on how people believe your judgment. We have some clients they lose money and efforts when starting a company in the new market, that is the reason you don’t refer anyone to anyone.
Sometimes, when companies expand to the new market, they would like to find a good distributor or partner to help them to sell their product, the initial stage starting with commission-based sales, meaning only rewards to partner once there is a sale. That is quite understandable why those companies choose this way of cooperation, because you could test the market and the partner’s capability, more importantly, there will be someone to help you promote your business for free, why not?
Nothing Is For Free.
For your partner’s perspective, if they have 10 products with commission-based sales, which product they shall sell as the first priority? Higher commission product? It depends, if your product pricing is too high and the process of getting paid is too long, your product won’t be the first priority, no matter how good is your product. Because your partner has bills need to pay every month, they will likely put more efforts into the product which could pay their monthly bill first. So you could imagine how is the effectiveness of commission-based sales.
Nothing Is For Free.
Many companies don’t know how to cooperate with a new partner in the new country, and they ask for a referral for free and take the introduction for granted. Please think in your partner’s shoes and try to give your partner more support in the initial stage by time-based sales, meaning you support them by how much time they will spend on your project, they will definitely help you to grow faster.
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一直在等,一直在數,不就是在消磨所有人的耐性,助長負面情緒?我們像是一直將目光都投射在「遺失」之上,per se的編曲和演唱注入的,是一份暖意、一份同行的暖意。這,不就是我們在遺失的同時,收獲到的珍貴東西?
好多年以來,大叔一直戰戰兢兢的在職場裡面做事(包括做人)。總天真的以為把事情做好,做對之後就像聽從指令的狗狗那樣會有獎勵的點心。總理想化的以為你對別人好,大概別人也會這樣回報你。 大叔就是這麼天真又理想化。
The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy. ―Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus and Othe
〈Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby〉Cigarettes After Sex       天越來越亮,眼神拖曳著肉身迷離,光痛苦的正在瘦弱、一點一滴,化為灰色的......  
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美股因多家熱門話題與龍頭企業市值快速增長受到關注,本文介紹如何透過國泰世華CUBE App 開設台股及美股複委託帳戶、定期理財的便利性。 定期投資適合單筆資金有限、經驗不多的理財小白、上班族,或者忙碌、沒時間研究基本面的朋友,國泰世華CUBE App美股定額投資功能,操作便利性幾乎完勝海外券商。
沒有什麼比得上 夜裡閉眼前一刻的凝視 沒有什麼比得上 清晨陽光輕咬的角度 沒有什麼比得上 當我認真的嚴肅 而你輕柔的掠過 不慍不快 沒有什麼比得上 當你費盡心思地討好 而我卻不知不覺地退後 沒有什麼比得上 當這一刻是你的榮耀 卻是我努力多年的落空 沒有什麼比得上 在你眼裡的驕傲 卻是我最痛苦的訴說
一直在等,一直在數,不就是在消磨所有人的耐性,助長負面情緒?我們像是一直將目光都投射在「遺失」之上,per se的編曲和演唱注入的,是一份暖意、一份同行的暖意。這,不就是我們在遺失的同時,收獲到的珍貴東西?
好多年以來,大叔一直戰戰兢兢的在職場裡面做事(包括做人)。總天真的以為把事情做好,做對之後就像聽從指令的狗狗那樣會有獎勵的點心。總理想化的以為你對別人好,大概別人也會這樣回報你。 大叔就是這麼天真又理想化。
The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy. ―Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus and Othe
〈Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby〉Cigarettes After Sex       天越來越亮,眼神拖曳著肉身迷離,光痛苦的正在瘦弱、一點一滴,化為灰色的......