April 27

閱讀時間約 3 分鐘
【作者】Eileen Caddy
  Why not be an optimist in this life, always expecting the best, always finding the best, always creating the best? Optimism leads to power; pessimism leads to weakness and defeat. Let the power of the Spirit shine in and through you, creating around you a world of beauty, peace and harmony. When your outlook on life is optimistic, you light all those souls around you, giving them hope, faith and belief in life. You will always find that like attracts like, that your optimism will create optimism and will snowball. There is always hope in life, even if it is but a tiny flickering spark to begin with. When it is surrounded with hope and love in the right atmosphere, that tiny spark will be fanned into a flame; and it will grow and grow until you are on fire with the fuel of the Spirit which is unquenchable and inextinguishable. Once it has been ignited, nothing will be able to stop it spreading.
年近花甲的中老年男同志。2014台北巿立國中教職退休,2019二月底遷居至台東、2020六月遷居至新竹過著自在悠哉的日子。2017創立「生命小彩坊」真人影音圖書館,已錄製150多集的影音專訪。2020二月25日起,開始跟隨Siraya老師學習《絲路薩滿》,正走在「尋回自己」、「回家」的途中 ^_^
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