台灣國立陽明大學國際衛生學程博士莫大偉(@David Ferrandiz Mont,西籍),在今年初畢業成功獲得博士學位,背景為藥學,是社會流行病學以及愛滋傳染病領域專家,返回母國貢獻所學,並於此次疫情爆發之時,主動聯繫媒體,並接受媒體之連線訪問(西文訪談),提供台灣經驗分享。底下為連繫訪問摘要內容,由Dr. Mont提供摘要,再進行中文翻譯。
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Since the first cases of Coronavirus in Taiwan, hygiene measures and temperature measurement were implemented in restaurants, education centers, and public buildings." David said.
Dr. Mont表示,自台灣第一個新冠肺炎病例起,消毒清潔以及體溫測量即刻在各餐廳,教育機構單位,以及公共場域等實施。
Face masks were used from the very beginning in Taiwan. However, David does not recommend the massive use of masks; he thinks that they are effective in protecting "the others" instead of protecting oneself. Therefore, only people with symptoms should use it.
打從最早口罩即開始被台灣人民所使用。然而,Dr. Mont並不建議全民大規模的使用口罩;他認為口罩的使用與效用,相較於自我保護,更多在保護"他者"。因此,只有有相關症狀者才應該必須要使用。
Moreover, raising awareness among the population was crucial, as well as the penalties for those who violate the quarantine.
Taiwanese society is more collectivistic, whereas Spanish society is more individualistic. In Taiwan, people consider the fight against this pandemic as a teamwork." the pharmacist pointed out.
台灣社會較偏向於集體主義,相對於西班牙社群多為傾向個人主義。Dr. Mont指出,"在台灣,人民認為應該以團隊合作的方式來對抗這場疫病。"