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羅大佑 Lo TaYou 獲頒金曲獎特別貢獻獎的引言稿,我在典禮前十天寫了初稿,提供錄音檔給導演組,同時也提供了那些後來在我背後播放的視覺素材(謝謝 Akibo Lee 李明道大哥慷慨提供《原鄉》專輯的海報檔)。主辦單位也向早年和大佑合作密切、設計了許多經典專輯封面並拍了許多珍貴照片的 Adu Tu 杜達雄先生調用了幾張照片,放在舞台中間更大的螢幕上輪播。上台前兩天,我把講稿修潤了一遍,傳給導演組,以為這就是決定版了。
回家之後,左想右想,又打開電腦重看了 1988 年 Bruce Springsteen 為 Bob Dylan 進入搖滾名人堂做的致敬引言。這是我多年來始終難忘、非常喜歡的一篇致詞,從小我寫到大我,短短五分鐘,涵括了 Bob Dylan 對幾代音樂人和西方樂壇產生的深遠影響,有溫度,有高度,有幽默,也有真情。這是我心嚮往之的致詞。
底下分享 Bruce Springsteen 的致詞影片和逐字稿。謝謝他,給了我珍貴的靈感。我的金曲致詞,多少也算是向 The Boss 的致敬。■
“The first time that I heard Bob Dylan I was in the car with my mother, and we were listening to, I think, maybe WMCA, and on came that snare shot that sounded like somebody kicked open the door to your mind, from ‘Like a Rolling Stone.’ And my mother, who was – she was no stiff with rock and roll, she liked the music, she listened – she sat there for a minute, she looked at me, and she said, ‘That guy can’t sing.’ But I knew she was wrong. I sat there, I didn’t say nothin’, but I knew that I was listening to the toughest voice that I had ever heard. It was lean, and it sounded somehow simultaneously young and adult, and I ran out and I bought the single. And I came home, I ran home, and I put it on my 45, and they must have made a mistake at the factory, because a Lenny Welch song came on. And the label was wrong, so I ran back, and I got it, and I played it, then I went out and I got Highway 61, and it was all I played for weeks. I looked at the cover, with Bob, with that satin blue jacket and the Triumph Motorcycle shirt.
And when I was a kid, Bob’s voice somehow – it thrilled and scared me. It made me feel kind of irresponsibly innocent. And it still does. But it reached down and touched what little worldliness I think a 15-year-old kid, in high school, in New Jersey had in him at the time.
Dylan was – he was a revolutionary, man, the way that Elvis freed your body, Bob freed your mind. And he showed us that just because the music was innately physical, it did not mean that it was anti-intellect. He had the vision and the talent to expand a pop song until it contained the whole world. He invented a new way a pop singer could sound. He broke through the limitations of what a recording artist could achieve, and he changed the face of rock and roll forever and ever.
Without Bob, the Beatles wouldn’t have made Sergeant Pepper, maybe the Beach Boys wouldn’t have made Pet Sounds, the Sex Pistols wouldn’t have made ‘God Save the Queen,’ U2 wouldn’t have done ‘Pride in the Name of Love,’ Marvin Gaye wouldn’t have done ‘What’s Goin’On,’ Grandmaster Flash might not have done ‘The Message,’ and the Count Five could not have done ‘Psychotic Reaction.’ And there never would have been a group named the Electric Prunes, that’s for sure. But the fact is that, to this day, where great rock music is being made, there is the shadow of Bob Dylan over and over and over again. And Bob’s own modern work has gone unjustly under-appreciated for having to stand in that shadow. If a young songwriter – if there was a young guy out there writing ‘Sweetheart Like Me,’ writing the Empire Burlesque album, writing ‘Every Grain of Sand,’ they’d be calling him the new Bob Dylan.
That’s all the nice stuff that I wrote out to say about him. Now it’s about three months ago, I was watching TV, and the Rolling Stones special came on, and Bob came on, and he was in a real cranky mood, it seemed like, and he was kind of bitchin’ and moaning about how his fans don’t know him, and nobody knows him. And they come up to him on the street, and kind of treat him like a long-lost brother or something. And speaking as fan, I guess when I was 15, and I heard ‘Like a Rolling Stone,’ I heard a guy that, like I’ve never heard before or since. A guy that had the guts to take on the whole world, and made me feel like I had ’em too. And maybe some people mistook that voice to be saying somehow that you were gonna do the job for ’em. And as we know, as we grow older, that there isn’t anybody out there that can do that job for anybody else.
So I’m just here tonight to say thanks, to say that I wouldn’t be here without you, to say that there isn’t a soul in this room who does not owe you their thanks. And to steal a line from one of your songs, whether you like it or not, ‘you was the brother that I never had.’ Congratulations.”

馬世芳的沙龍 的其他內容
要是不說,你一定以為這些歌是整個樂團熱熱鬧鬧一起錄的。其實,裡面都只有一個人。詞曲編錄唱奏,從頭幹到底,校長兼撞鐘。(本文內附 KKBOX 優惠鏈結)
晚上終於有空和夫人一起看 Bob Dylan 演出實況 "Shadow Kingdom"。也只有他老人家能把一個所謂「線上演唱會直播」設計成這樣了,那彷若擱淺在時光深處的,煙霧繚繞的,座上有著走私客、騙子、匪徒、美女的小酒館,大概就是這位八旬老人走闖江湖六十多年一再回歸的靈魂故鄉。
今天繼續播幾首我心目中「史上最強出道專輯 A 面第一首」,這些歌不只拽著我們縱身跳進這個樂團的世界,也從這張專輯開始,大大改變了流行音樂的歷史。
Photo by D A V I D S O N L U N A on Unsplash  第一張專輯A面第一首,常常是我們認識這個樂團的起點。從這首歌開始,我們被拽進他們獨一無二的宇宙。
要是不說,你一定以為這些歌是整個樂團熱熱鬧鬧一起錄的。其實,裡面都只有一個人。詞曲編錄唱奏,從頭幹到底,校長兼撞鐘。(本文內附 KKBOX 優惠鏈結)
晚上終於有空和夫人一起看 Bob Dylan 演出實況 "Shadow Kingdom"。也只有他老人家能把一個所謂「線上演唱會直播」設計成這樣了,那彷若擱淺在時光深處的,煙霧繚繞的,座上有著走私客、騙子、匪徒、美女的小酒館,大概就是這位八旬老人走闖江湖六十多年一再回歸的靈魂故鄉。
今天繼續播幾首我心目中「史上最強出道專輯 A 面第一首」,這些歌不只拽著我們縱身跳進這個樂團的世界,也從這張專輯開始,大大改變了流行音樂的歷史。
Photo by D A V I D S O N L U N A on Unsplash  第一張專輯A面第一首,常常是我們認識這個樂團的起點。從這首歌開始,我們被拽進他們獨一無二的宇宙。
Google News 追蹤
原諒我那小布爾喬亞的多愁善感在該死的初秋又開始發作。 Forever Young 有兩首一模一樣歌名的歌曲。令人感動的是這兩首歌都是神曲。 第一首是教父Bob Dylon 32歲寫下的詞曲。 May God bless and keep you always May you
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaR-1VHsuXU 昨天看著我爸媽在鬥嘴寫出來的詞,再用Suno搭上70s的靈魂曲風,意外的順耳好聽 歡迎各位訂閱我的音樂頻道😎 歌詞如下 :  In a little house on the edge o
藝術家二創,用名歌配上名電影片段,我是三創,再創作出一個近似原電影劇情的一頁過小說。電影「真愛挑日子 One Day」片段, Paul Young 經典名曲 Everytime You Go Away。
痕跡05(卡謬"瘟疫"閱後感) 樂團:Bob Dylan & The Hawks 專輯:Bob Dylan Live 1966   The “Royal Albert Hall” Concert 歌曲:Like a Rolling Stone     你知道所謂忿怒是什麼樣子嗎?你對你的
介紹Kenny Loggins、Bruce Springsteen、Richard Marx、Bryan Adams、Huey Lewis、Rod Stewart、John Mellencamp、David Bowie、Corey Hart,這11位80年代知名的搖滾男歌手及其歌曲賞析。
原諒我那小布爾喬亞的多愁善感在該死的初秋又開始發作。 Forever Young 有兩首一模一樣歌名的歌曲。令人感動的是這兩首歌都是神曲。 第一首是教父Bob Dylon 32歲寫下的詞曲。 May God bless and keep you always May you
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaR-1VHsuXU 昨天看著我爸媽在鬥嘴寫出來的詞,再用Suno搭上70s的靈魂曲風,意外的順耳好聽 歡迎各位訂閱我的音樂頻道😎 歌詞如下 :  In a little house on the edge o
藝術家二創,用名歌配上名電影片段,我是三創,再創作出一個近似原電影劇情的一頁過小說。電影「真愛挑日子 One Day」片段, Paul Young 經典名曲 Everytime You Go Away。
痕跡05(卡謬"瘟疫"閱後感) 樂團:Bob Dylan & The Hawks 專輯:Bob Dylan Live 1966   The “Royal Albert Hall” Concert 歌曲:Like a Rolling Stone     你知道所謂忿怒是什麼樣子嗎?你對你的
介紹Kenny Loggins、Bruce Springsteen、Richard Marx、Bryan Adams、Huey Lewis、Rod Stewart、John Mellencamp、David Bowie、Corey Hart,這11位80年代知名的搖滾男歌手及其歌曲賞析。