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I am in some kind of depression and have been listening to this book on Audible and it got me wonder what versions of life could exist in the parallel universe. I surely have a book of regret and I can see my life be totally different at more than one turning points. But since we are on the same tree, I guess we will still be rotten in a similar way.Book no1- if I had a brotherMy parents are traditional Chinese and my dad’s life long dream (or goal) is to have a male heir. They tried very hard to have a boy after me and my sister but it did not happen. My family is twisted in this way and a lot of family drama derived from this. If they had succeeded, I would prob be free up from some family shits and have more room to pursuit my life with less attention on me. I am sure my younger brother will be so spoiled though in this environment and my parents will give him all the family resources with very little return. I would not have enough money to go study abroad then but my goal to escape from my house should be the same. I would get a job and move out, fighting for opportunities to work overseas and I might end up at the same path of my root life. My mother will be even more exhausted with three kids and one husband who did not help on house chores at all. Her health condition will be a concern in this life. Although she might have more self esteem when talking to my grandmother and other extended family from my dad’s side. The result is mixed. As to me, my struggle with original family will likely remain similar, a useless dad, an unhappy mom and a controlling grandmother. Being a girl in this big traditional Chinese family my childhood will be full of ignorance and I will be traumatized for being unloved. It could also be a blessing in my adult life when I might be able to live my life overseas with less guilt.Book no 2- if I had major in English in schoolI was very close to choose English/Literature as my major college but got shifted away to finance due to my high score in math. It sounds ridiculous today but it was common back then when people choose their career based on exam results instead of personal interests. I am quite talented in learning languages and my passion lays in reading books. But a English major is unlikely to get me any high paid job. I will be struggle financially unless I found a rich man to marry. It is risky since my financial status will be depending on my marriage, which is also known as a gamble. But If I succeed then my job as either a translator or a writer will give me a freelancer’s life with many free time to support my family as a mom. I always wanted to be a freelancer as I am disciplined, self motivated and enjoy freedom very much. I do not have a huge aspiration in career and to be honest finance does not suites me well. But I could also end up struggling with money, being a cynical person if I could not find a good man. The result is not guaranteed.Book no 3 — if I went to study in New York city instead of AtlantaThis could be another life changer as well. I would have relationship with different men in these two cities. John was the reason I wanted to move to NYC so much in the first place. Now I think about it I did not really know him that well but he kinda represents all I was looking for at that stage of my life- independent, western, strong and freedom. He represents New York City. Yet my relationship with him may end up in similar way that me being too dependent and immature without knowing what I really want and who I am. I think I would still get lost. But after that I may be closer to become a New Yorker. I think I will spend a longer amount of time in this city even after the relationship ended. I will find another abc to settle with but I might be lonely since I can not fit in completely. I will miss my friends and family a lot while I drifting away from them. I will be super home sick and guilty when my parents aged. My passion and love towards the city may be wore out along with time and I will eventually move back to Taiwan.
Miss K的沙龍 的其他內容
我必須選擇相信冥冥之中,有神明或佛祖或宇宙的力量,而不是無情的機率。原來我之前是無神論者的人生,只是因為生活還沒有對我下重手。原來我自以爲的樂觀,也是因為不好的事情還沒有發生在我身上。 選擇不要你,比起第一次別無選擇的胎停無疑是更困難的。引產的過程很順利,謝謝你,但我最終也沒有勇氣見你一面。你們。
我在一年之內引產了兩次,我到現在都還無法相信。我連現在打這篇文章都覺得非常費力,但我想要練習把這件事情說出來。 除了辭職,我報名的新的課程,學習新的運動,跟很久不見的朋友聊天,我從一個無神論者開始唸經,我查詢我的流年,我捐錢給唐氏症基金會,我做了或打算做很多事情,希望讓自己好起來。
我必須選擇相信冥冥之中,有神明或佛祖或宇宙的力量,而不是無情的機率。原來我之前是無神論者的人生,只是因為生活還沒有對我下重手。原來我自以爲的樂觀,也是因為不好的事情還沒有發生在我身上。 選擇不要你,比起第一次別無選擇的胎停無疑是更困難的。引產的過程很順利,謝謝你,但我最終也沒有勇氣見你一面。你們。
我在一年之內引產了兩次,我到現在都還無法相信。我連現在打這篇文章都覺得非常費力,但我想要練習把這件事情說出來。 除了辭職,我報名的新的課程,學習新的運動,跟很久不見的朋友聊天,我從一個無神論者開始唸經,我查詢我的流年,我捐錢給唐氏症基金會,我做了或打算做很多事情,希望讓自己好起來。
Google News 追蹤
這本書是第20屆台北文學獎作品。 就閱讀經驗而言,是一本不容易讀的書,但卻是有用的書。 不是文本不精彩,不是文字艱澀難懂,而是這本書深度挖掘家人與自我幽微內在,一段家人間關係疏離,試著改變的歷程。讀者需要適時咀嚼與消化,關於家人相處這門功課。 「滌」是作者的親弟弟,一個大學畢業後失業在
我們聽過很多離家的故事。爲了愛情離家出走,討厭家庭離家出走,都是因爲意見和家人不合而離家,永遠的離開了。 但是,你有聽過爲了生存而離家嗎?爲了自己的家人,爲了不再貧窮,爲了讓家人更加幸福而離家出走,最後卻從沒有幸福的結果。 這,就是我父親的故事了。
聽過我故事的人 都說我的人生就像一部八點檔一般 該說是無可救藥嗎 還是說比起其他人的淒慘人生來說 我算是好的呢 連我自己都不清楚           簡單來說說好了 也不過就是小時候爸媽離婚 在爸媽的天天吵架逼問下 比起控制狂的爸爸 我選擇了一年見不到兩三次在台灣生活的媽媽 跟著她從大陸離鄉背
有些事情的存在,是為了讓人學會捨棄;但不代表要全然丟棄,只是需要找到一個可以和平共處的位置。 在實習機構和一個姐姐聊天,得知她原來是念資訊類科系,甚至還是留學美國的高材生;但回到台灣後,她選擇花五年時間,一邊兼職考上公務員,做著和之前全然不同的事。
「別因為自己選擇做對的事而內疚。」 – 《白日之下》這一句,是我對下一代的期望。但願這期望沒有耽誤她的人生路。 「你知道為甚麼Asian parents都多要子女讀專業學科畢業後當專業人士嗎?」女兒說因想子女生活安定能賺錢養活自己。「同意,不過
這本書是第20屆台北文學獎作品。 就閱讀經驗而言,是一本不容易讀的書,但卻是有用的書。 不是文本不精彩,不是文字艱澀難懂,而是這本書深度挖掘家人與自我幽微內在,一段家人間關係疏離,試著改變的歷程。讀者需要適時咀嚼與消化,關於家人相處這門功課。 「滌」是作者的親弟弟,一個大學畢業後失業在
我們聽過很多離家的故事。爲了愛情離家出走,討厭家庭離家出走,都是因爲意見和家人不合而離家,永遠的離開了。 但是,你有聽過爲了生存而離家嗎?爲了自己的家人,爲了不再貧窮,爲了讓家人更加幸福而離家出走,最後卻從沒有幸福的結果。 這,就是我父親的故事了。
聽過我故事的人 都說我的人生就像一部八點檔一般 該說是無可救藥嗎 還是說比起其他人的淒慘人生來說 我算是好的呢 連我自己都不清楚           簡單來說說好了 也不過就是小時候爸媽離婚 在爸媽的天天吵架逼問下 比起控制狂的爸爸 我選擇了一年見不到兩三次在台灣生活的媽媽 跟著她從大陸離鄉背
有些事情的存在,是為了讓人學會捨棄;但不代表要全然丟棄,只是需要找到一個可以和平共處的位置。 在實習機構和一個姐姐聊天,得知她原來是念資訊類科系,甚至還是留學美國的高材生;但回到台灣後,她選擇花五年時間,一邊兼職考上公務員,做著和之前全然不同的事。
「別因為自己選擇做對的事而內疚。」 – 《白日之下》這一句,是我對下一代的期望。但願這期望沒有耽誤她的人生路。 「你知道為甚麼Asian parents都多要子女讀專業學科畢業後當專業人士嗎?」女兒說因想子女生活安定能賺錢養活自己。「同意,不過