From TIME-less to timeless.
The Nobel laureate transcends news weeks and time
在《經濟學人》書評提到的1963年音樂欄位的文章中,《新聞周刊》查了突然冒出來的「巴布·狄倫」的水表──身家調查才發現他不是巴布·狄倫,也不如他說聲稱的與父母離異多年,也跟一般人一樣尋常長大、尋常上學,從此借題發揮,採訪從前認識狄倫的人,指涉讓狄倫一夕爆紅的〈在風中飄蕩〉(連結見文首 Youtube)根本不是出自桂冠之手,這也就是《經濟學人》書評一開始提到的「純正性問題」。雖然巴布·狄倫真的是《新聞周刊》肉搜出來的羅伯特·齊默曼(Robert Zimmerman),但後面衍生的指控一一遭到打臉,成了周刊史上不名譽的紀錄。
His "Blowin' in the Wind" is a huge hit, and his concerts—last week at Town Hall in Philadelphia and at Carnegie Hall—draw sellout crowds, mostly high school and college students to whom Dylan is practically a religion. He has suffered; he has been hung up, man, without bread, without a chick, with twisted wires growing inside him. His audiences share his pain, and seem jealous because they grew up in conventional homes and conventional schools.
The ironic thing is that Bob Dylan, too, grew up in a conventional home, and went to conventional schools. He shrouds his past in contradictions, but he is the elder son of a Hibbing, Minnesota, appliance dealer named Abe Zimmerman, and, as Bobby Zimmerman, he attended Hibbing High School, then briefly the University of Minnesota.
--"'I am my words'," Newsweek, Nov. 4, 1963
就像是要跟狄倫道歉一樣,或者是要挽回雜誌掌握美國文化真知灼見的名譽,《新聞周刊》後續替巴布狄倫做了好幾次封面(見上方連結收錄):1974 年 1 月 14 日期的〈Dylan's Back〉;1997 年 10 月 6 日期的〈Dylan Lives〉;2004 年 10 月 4 日期的〈Bob Dylan Opens Up〉。如果是日本版的《新聞周刊》的話,狄倫獲諾貝爾文學獎以後又替他做了一次封面。
《時代雜誌》先聲:1962 年的報導
而在《時代雜誌》方面,雜誌引以自豪的發掘未來百大功力,這次在 1962 年以民謠樂為主題的封面故事(見上方 TIME Vault 連結)得到彰顯,該篇報導首次提到巴布·狄倫,讀者從下方引文可以看到《時代》經典的行文特色,用簡簡單單的幾句話交代穿著或歌聲,但是描寫對象的形象就從讀者腦海中浮現:
The tradition of Broonzy and Guthrie is being carried on by a large number of disciples, most notably a promising young hobo named Bob Dylan. He is 21 and comes from Duluth. He dresses in sheepskin and a black corduroy Huck Finn cap, which covers only a small part of his long' tumbling hair. He makes visits to Woody Guthrie's hospital bed, and he delivers his songs in a studied nasal that has just the right clothespin-on-the-nose honesty to appeal to those who most deeply care. His most celebrated song is Talkin' New York—about his first visit to the city, during the cold winter of 1961, when he discovered "Green Witch Village."
--“Sibyl with Guitar,” TIME Magazine, Nov. 23, 1962
--〈彈吉他的女先知〉,《時代雜誌》,1962 年 11 月 23 日期
瓊·拜亞(Joan Baez)作封面人物,《時代》封他為「
Sibyl 是古希臘的神諭者,轉到英文就是女先知的意思)。詩人余光中在他介紹民歌與搖滾樂的系列文章
Her voice is as clear as air in the autumn, a vibrant, strong, untrained and thrilling soprano.
但狄倫和《時代》間最有名的一段故事,是他在 1965 年的一次訪談中,對著採訪記者、《時代雜誌》乃至整個媒體界長篇大論說教、痛斥,「你知道嗎?我不需要《時代雜誌》。」弄得記者一整個尷尬,想要解釋或反駁也被狄倫打斷,最後可說是不歡而散。整個過程收入了音樂紀錄片《別回頭》(Don't Look Back)中,成了狄倫 VS 媒體的經典片段。(見上方 YouTube 片段。)
霍勒斯·弗里蘭·賈德森(Horace Freeland Judson)而言,後來成為分子生物學科學史知名作家並獲得麥克阿瑟獎金的他,在民謠搖滾樂迷心中,永遠是被狄倫痛罵的「那個《時代》記者」。賈德森後來回憶這段過往時,認為這段衝突應是為了增加紀錄片戲劇性而刻意設計,對於當晚的演唱會,
不知道是不是因為「我不需要《時代雜誌》」這句話(至少《時代》應該不會承認),巴布·狄倫從 60 年代至今的漫長樂壇生涯中,沒有一次獨立上過封面,也沒有過《新聞周刊》那種照片封面。
「大詩人、嚴厲的社會批評家、反文化世代的無畏領袖」(Master poet, caustic social critic and intrepid, guiding spirit of the counterculture generation)。《時代》影評暨搖滾樂評人傑·考克斯(Jay Cocks)這麼替
He was born with a snake above his fist while a hurricane was blowing.
You must know that. Know the fact, or the music, or the truth inside the mythology, spun from roots by his rough magic into cloth of gold, into songs that are the shifting, stormy center of American popular music in the second part of the very century when the music was invented.
Bob Dylan couldn't wait for the music to change. He couldn't be only part of the change. He was the change itself. The snake and the hurricane.
--Jay Cocks, "The folk musician," TIME, Jun. 8, 1998
從早期遭到質疑,逐漸為主流媒體接受,再到後來獲得諾貝爾文學獎,巴布·狄倫證明了自己真正的價值,也印證了他確實不需要《時代雜誌》(TIME Magazine),因為在美國流行音樂文化上,他就是永恆(timeless)。
* 本篇貼文出自 2022 年 10 月 19 日的「POLYMATH 喧嘩盛景」單元,改編自「時代解密」專欄章節〈From TIME-less to timeless 巴布·狄倫如何超越新聞周期與時代〉(WorldNotes 編號 2022-57)