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剑17完整版新鲜出炉啦!!包含完整的 4个test和对应音频,大家可以好好利用起来~~《剑雅》 系列作为雅思考试的官方指南,雅思考试风向标。它在雅思备考中的重要性不必再过多强调啦。利用新的剑17可以熟悉了解题型分布以及题目难度等级上有哪些变化,然后针对性查漏补缺做准备哦。在下文中小编整理了剑桥雅思17Test1听力part1原文及答案解析的信息,一起来看看吧。


PETER: Hello?
JAN: Oh hello. My name’s Jan. Are you the right person to talk to about the Buckworth Conservation Group?
PETER: Yes, I’m Peter. I’m the secretary.
JAN: Good. I’ve just moved to this area, and I’m interested in getting involved. I was in a similar group where I used to live. Could you tell me something about your activities, please?
PETER: Of course. Well, we have a mixture of regular activities and special events. One of the regular ones is trying to keep the beach free of litter (Q1). A few of us spend a couple of hours a month on it, and it’s awful how much there is to clear. I wish people would be more responsible and take it home with them.
JAN: I totally agree. I’d be happy to help with that. Is it OK to take dogs (Q2)?
PETER: I’m afraid not, as they’re banned from the beach itself. You can take them along the cliffs, though. And children are welcome.
JAN: Right.
PETER: We also manage a nature reserve, and there’s a lot to do there all year round. For example, because it’s a popular place to visit, we spend a lot of time looking after the paths and making sure they’re in good condition for walking.
JAN: I could certainly help with that.
PETER: Good. And we have a programme of creating new habitats there. We’ve just finished making and installing nesting boxes for birds to use, and next we’re going to work on encouraging insects (Q3) – they’re important for the biodiversity of the reserve.
JAN: They certainly are.
PETER: Oh, and we’re also running a project to identify the different species of butterflies (Q4) that visit the reserve. You might be interested in taking part in that.
JAN: Sure. I was involved in something similar where I used to live, counting all the species of moths. I’d enjoy that.
PETER: Another job we’re doing at the reserve is replacing the wall (Q5) on the southern side, between the parking area and our woodshed. This article is from laokaoya website. It was badly damaged in a storm last month.
PETER: Then as I said, we have a programme of events as well, both at the weekend, and during the week.
JAN: Right. I presume you have guided walks? I’d like to get to know the local countryside, as I’m new to the area.
PETER: Yes, we do. The next walk is to Ruston Island, a week on Saturday. We’ll be meeting in the car park at Dunsmore Beach at low tide – that’s when the sands are dry enough for us to walk to the island (Q6) without getting wet.
JAN: Sounds good
PETER: The island’s a great place to explore. It’s quite small, and it’s got a range of habitats. It’s also an ideal location for seeing seals just off the coast, or even on the beach.
JAN: OK. And is there anything we should bring, like a picnic, for instance?
PETER: Yes, do bring one, as it’s a full-day walk. And of course it’ll be wet walking across and back, so make sure your boots (Q7) are waterproof.
JAN: I must buy a new pair – there’s a hole in one of my current ones! Well, I’d definitely like to come on the walk.
PETER: Great. Then later this month we’re having a one-day woodwork session in Hopton Wood.
JAN: I’ve never tried that before. Is it OK for beginners (Q8) to take part?
PETER: Definitely. There’ll be a couple of experts leading the session, and we keep the number of participants down, so you’ll get as much help as you need.
JAN: Excellent! I’d love to be able to make chairs.
PETER: That’s probably too ambitious for one day! You’ll be starting with wooden spoons (Q9), and of course learning how to use the tools. And anything you make is yours to take home with you.
JAN: That sounds like fun. When is it?
PETER: It’s on the 17th, from 10 a.m. until 3. There’s a charge of £35 (Q10), including lunch, or £40 if you want to camp in the wood.
JAN: I should think I’ll come home the same day. Well, I’d certainly like to join the group.


对应原文:One of the regular ones is trying to keep the beach free of litter
答案解析:题干问的是,要确保沙滩上没有什么东西。does not have与free of同义替换,由此锁定答案为litter。
对应原文:JAN: I totally agree. I’d be happy to help with that. Is it OK to take dogs?
PETER: I’m afraid not
对应原文:next we’re going to work on encouraging insects
对应原文:we’re also running a project to identify the different species of butterflies that visit the reserve.
对应原文: Another job we’re doing at the reserve is replacing the wall on the southern side
对应原文:that’s when the sands are dry enough for us to walk to the island without getting wet.
对应原文:And of course it’ll be wet walking across and back, so make sure your boots are waterproof.
对应原文:I’ve never tried that before. Is it OK for beginners to take part
对应原文:You’ll be starting with wooden spoons
对应原文:There’s a charge of £35, including lunch, or £40 if you want to camp in the wood.
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這個世上沒有巧合這回事,所謂巧合,不過是一個經過精密包裝和掩飾的行爲,只是當事人不知道而已。往再遠的說,哪怕不是人爲上的巧合,也不過是萬物的主宰故意安排的,是他宏大計劃的一部分,只不過凡夫俗子無法理解而已。 李劍橋不是無緣無故出現在東區醫院,更不是碰巧出現在錦上路地鐵站附近的村口聚腳站,他是上頭派來
「劍橋分析就像是個愚蠢的小偷, 他千辛萬苦進到金庫裡, 卻只從裡面拿了一袋不值錢的人工鑽石。」 ---戴維.卡普夫
劍橋教育所博士回饋文 For those who are interested to apply to Cambridge PhD in Education 歡迎至我的網誌閱讀全文 Please visit my blog for more information #劍橋 #教育所 #博士
【個資風暴: 劍橋分析事件】講述劍橋分析公司沒有獲得臉書授權,盜用臉書個人數據,把個人數據資料當成一種武器,無形之間影響別人選擇,特別是用於政治宣傳和分化人群的策略,如:英國脫歐、2016年美國總統大選。 當個人數據當成武器 電影講述2016年劍橋分析公司參與川普和希拉蕊美國選戰,用既定的選戰
中國正在使用劍橋分析的手法攻擊台灣。 不知道劍橋分析是什麼的人,現在立刻去google,或是去netflix上看那部劍橋分析的紀錄片。 然後記得。 這種劍橋分析的手法,「會毀滅民主體制」
這個世上沒有巧合這回事,所謂巧合,不過是一個經過精密包裝和掩飾的行爲,只是當事人不知道而已。往再遠的說,哪怕不是人爲上的巧合,也不過是萬物的主宰故意安排的,是他宏大計劃的一部分,只不過凡夫俗子無法理解而已。 李劍橋不是無緣無故出現在東區醫院,更不是碰巧出現在錦上路地鐵站附近的村口聚腳站,他是上頭派來
「劍橋分析就像是個愚蠢的小偷, 他千辛萬苦進到金庫裡, 卻只從裡面拿了一袋不值錢的人工鑽石。」 ---戴維.卡普夫
劍橋教育所博士回饋文 For those who are interested to apply to Cambridge PhD in Education 歡迎至我的網誌閱讀全文 Please visit my blog for more information #劍橋 #教育所 #博士
【個資風暴: 劍橋分析事件】講述劍橋分析公司沒有獲得臉書授權,盜用臉書個人數據,把個人數據資料當成一種武器,無形之間影響別人選擇,特別是用於政治宣傳和分化人群的策略,如:英國脫歐、2016年美國總統大選。 當個人數據當成武器 電影講述2016年劍橋分析公司參與川普和希拉蕊美國選戰,用既定的選戰
中國正在使用劍橋分析的手法攻擊台灣。 不知道劍橋分析是什麼的人,現在立刻去google,或是去netflix上看那部劍橋分析的紀錄片。 然後記得。 這種劍橋分析的手法,「會毀滅民主體制」