為什麼華爾街更關心英偉達而非債務上限 | CNN商業

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Why Wall Street cares more about Nvidia than the debt ceiling | CNN Business
為什麼華爾街更關心英偉達而非債務上限 | CNN商業

New YorkCNN  —  紐約CNN —
The debt ceiling debate and possibility that the United States could default on its financial obligations have hung over the heads of investors for nearly six months now. But Wall Street appears to be largely shrugging off the ongoing negotiations as noise, opting instead to focus on a better-than-expected first quarter earnings season.
What’s happening: There are just three trading days left until Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s June 1 estimate of when the United States needs to raise the debt ceiling or risk being unable to pay some of its bills. Meanwhile, negotiations between President Joe Biden and Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy remain deadlocked.
發生了什麼事:距離財政部長珍妮特·耶倫(Janet Yellen)預計美國需要提高債務上限或面臨無法支付一些帳單的時間僅剩下三個交易日。與此同時,總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)和共和黨眾議院議長凱文·麥卡錫(Kevin McCarthy)之間的談判仍然陷入僵局。
Economists have warned that a default would be a catastrophic event: Growth could be squashed, the dollar could lose its status as the global reserve currency and markets could go haywire.
But investors chose to celebrate a strong earnings report by semiconductor company Nvidia (NVDA) on Thursday instead of worrying over the debt ceiling. The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite gained 1.7% after the company, which makes chips used in artificial intelligence, saw its shares soar nearly 25% as it beat earnings expectations and posted strong guidance for the year ahead.
The surge in share price means that Nvidia is now just a hair away from reaching $1 trillion in market capitalization.
Other chip makers benefited from Nvidia’s climb. AMD (AMD) and Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM) rose 11% and 12% on Thursday respectively. The VanEck Semiconductor ETF (SMH) gained 8.6%.
其他晶片製造商從英偉達的上漲中受益。 AMD和台積電分別在星期四上漲了11%和12%。 VanEck半導體ETF(SMH)上漲了8.6%。
“All that matters for markets is the trajectory of corporate profits,” said David Bahnsen, chief investment officer at The Bahnsen Group, in a note.
"The Bahnsen Group的首席投資官David Bahnsen在一份筆記中表示:“對於市場來說,唯一重要的是企業利潤的軌跡。”
“Our main message to investors is to ignore the debt ceiling noise and pursue investments that provide growing cash flows,” he added.
Nearly every S&P 500 company has reported first quarter earnings at this point and about 78% of them have had earnings-per-share come in higher than analyst estimates, according to Factset data. S&P 500 companies are on track to record their best performance relative to analyst expectations since the fourth quarter of 2021.
幾乎每一家S&P 500公司在這個時候都已經公佈了第一季度的盈利報告,根據Factset的數據,其中約有78%的公司的每股盈利高於分析師的預估。S&P 500公司正朝著相對於分析師預期表現最佳的方向前進,這是自2021年第四季度以來的情況。
Very few executives are discussing the debt ceiling as a potential headwind on earnings calls, reported FactSet. The term “debt ceiling” had been cited on the calls of just 13 companies in the S&P 500 between March 15 and May 18.
據FactSet報導,很少有高管在盈利電話會議上討論債務上限作為可能的阻礙。在3月15日至5月18日期間,僅有S&P 500指數中的13家公司在電話會議上提到了“債務上限”一詞。
“Solid earnings results compared with expectations have helped keep stocks afloat in recent weeks amid debt ceiling jitters, regional bank concerns, and louder calls for recession,” said Jeffrey Buchbinder, chief equity strategist for LPL Financial.
"LPL Financial 的首席股票策略師 Jeffrey Buchbinder 表示:與預期相比的穩健收益結果有助於在最近幾周的債務上限焦慮、地區銀行擔憂和更強烈的經濟衰退呼聲中維持股市的浮動。"
The bottom line: Yesterday, we reported about a “market vibe shift” where investors were waking up to the serious consequences of a possible default on US debt. And while there is more stock market volatility because of the brinkmanship in Washington, traders still seem to be prioritizing company fundamentals over political events. At least for now.
While US equities have been somewhat resilient to the debt ceiling drama, bonds haven’t had the same luck.
Treasury yields, which move in the opposite direction to prices, have been on the rise as concerns over the US debt ceiling grow more serious.
The yield on the one-month Treasury bill, which is particularly sensitive to the debt ceiling crisis, rose past 6% on Thursday, and in the past week yields on 2- and 10-year Treasury notes hit their highest levels since March.
“If there were an actual payment default, based just on the size and the scale of the amount of US Treasuries that are outstanding, I do think that this could be something that could hit the markets pretty hard,” said Dave Sekera, chief US market strategist at Morningstar.
“如果實際上發生付款違約,僅基於美國國債的規模和數量,我認為這可能會對市場造成相當大的打擊,”晨星公司首席美國市場策略師戴夫·塞克拉(Dave Sekera)表示。
So what should an investor do? Sit tight, said Sekera.
“For investors that do own US Treasuries, I don’t think you’re going to end up suffering any loss of principal, and I fully expect that once the debt ceiling gets raised, you will get your principal and interest,” he said. “I could even see the US government paying you any extra interest until you get that principal payment back.”
Still, Sekera cautioned, “there’s really no way to know exactly what would happen, and I don’t think anyone really can understand the full ramifications of it right now.”
JPMorgan Chase (JPM) informed about 1,000 First Republic Bank employees on Thursday that they will no longer have jobs, reports my colleague Matt Egan.
據我的同事Matt Egan報導,JPMorgan Chase(JPM)於星期四通知約1,000名First Republic Bank員工將不再有工作。
JPMorgan acquired most of First Republic’s assets earlier this month after the San Francisco-based regional bank was seized by the government. It marked the second-biggest bank failure in US history.
A JPMorgan spokesperson told CNN that the bank updated all First Republic employees on Thursday about their future employment status and the vast majority — or nearly 85% — have been offered a transitional or full-time role.
That leaves 15%, or about 1,000, First Republic employees who are not receiving an employment offer.
JPMorgan said the company’s May 1 deal with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to buy most of First Republic did not include all of the company’s employees.
摩根大通表示,該公司與聯邦存款保險公司於5月1日達成的收購First Republic的協議並未包括該公司的所有員工。
“We’ve been transparent with their employees and kept our promise to update them on their employment status within 30 days,” JPMorgan said in a statement. “We recognize that they have been under stress and uncertainty since March and hope that today will bring clarity and closure.”
新聞來源: CNN (#國際新聞)
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6月7日執行1拆10股票分割的Nvidia大漲5.16%收1,224.40美元,收盤市值來到3.012兆美元,超越Apple成為全美市值第二大企業,僅次於Microsoft ,Nvidia晶圓代工夥伴台積電ADR同步大漲6.86%收162.92美元創歷史收盤新高...
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NQ創下歷史新高,S&P 500則接近上週三歷史高點附近震盪,科技股在Nvidia即將在22日公布財報前,多家機構對於Nvidia釋出看好的說法,尤其對於高階半導體製程需求的看法樂觀,而SOX指數漲幅最大就是半導體設備廠Teradyne大漲5.76%收139.51美元,漲幅居費半30支成分股之冠..
為何NVDA財報重要 AI是未來幾年的科技發展主流,而最引領風潮的公司就是AI賣鏟子的NVDA,對於台股供應鏈的台積電、台達電,緯創、廣達、鴻海等科技股都非常重要 而NVDA在台灣時間5/23清晨公布財報
本周S&P 500能突破兩年前的歷史高點4818.62,最大的功臣非半導體莫屬;同樣的情形也發生在台股,台積電優良的財測成功使得台股V轉。 身為一個總經頻道,我更關注的是整體情況。這邊附上全球半導體產業銷售年增率,在經過一年的削減後首次回正,也符合我常說的:全球製造業景氣已落底。
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
如之前所提在全球歷經一波股災與隨後的反彈之後,NVDA 即將於08/28美東時間下午5點公布的 Q2 2025 財務報告將牽動全球科技股未來走勢。 透過分析 1.) tsmc Q1 2024 & Q2 2024 營收成長率、產品線佔比成長率、4nm/5nm 出貨良率、成本、與營收佔比
6月7日執行1拆10股票分割的Nvidia大漲5.16%收1,224.40美元,收盤市值來到3.012兆美元,超越Apple成為全美市值第二大企業,僅次於Microsoft ,Nvidia晶圓代工夥伴台積電ADR同步大漲6.86%收162.92美元創歷史收盤新高...
全世界最矚目的 AI 概念第一股 NVIDIA 輝達,正式在上周發布了 2024 第一季的財報 (公司財務年度為 2025 Q1,實際日期為 2024 二月到四月期間),再次繳出了擊敗市場預期的成績單。而在財報之後,華爾街也給出了熱烈的回應,NVIDIA 的股價正式突破 1000 美元大關.....
Nvidia 22日盤後公布財報及財測皆大幅度優於市場預期,並同時宣布股票分割計畫,股價跳空大漲9.32%收1,037.99美元,早盤激勵NQ與S&P500盤中創下歷史新高,Nvid5重要夥伴台積電(2330)ADR同步上漲0.6%.....
NQ創下歷史新高,S&P 500則接近上週三歷史高點附近震盪,科技股在Nvidia即將在22日公布財報前,多家機構對於Nvidia釋出看好的說法,尤其對於高階半導體製程需求的看法樂觀,而SOX指數漲幅最大就是半導體設備廠Teradyne大漲5.76%收139.51美元,漲幅居費半30支成分股之冠..
為何NVDA財報重要 AI是未來幾年的科技發展主流,而最引領風潮的公司就是AI賣鏟子的NVDA,對於台股供應鏈的台積電、台達電,緯創、廣達、鴻海等科技股都非常重要 而NVDA在台灣時間5/23清晨公布財報
本周S&P 500能突破兩年前的歷史高點4818.62,最大的功臣非半導體莫屬;同樣的情形也發生在台股,台積電優良的財測成功使得台股V轉。 身為一個總經頻道,我更關注的是整體情況。這邊附上全球半導體產業銷售年增率,在經過一年的削減後首次回正,也符合我常說的:全球製造業景氣已落底。