The Compass in the Book: A Guide to Life from Reading

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Hiram ip is determined for world peace. You are welcome to share with me more ways to help world peace. Maybe I will write it in the article later.

Hiram Ip 的其他內容
I still remember the moment I first set foot in that old, nostalgic movie theater. The scent of freshly popped popcorn filled the air, and the fli
In the quiet corner of my room, amidst a pile of worn-out maps and aged travel journals, I stumbled upon a forgotten relic—a weathered compass
As the projector flickers to life and the opening credits roll, I find myself transported into the enigmatic world of Hiram Ip. It is within the r
I have always been drawn to the allure of mystery, the hidden realms that exist beneath the surface of our mundane lives. It is this fascination t
I went through a turning point in my life that gave me many important revelations and reflections. I feel a profound change and want to share my i
I, Hiram Ip, found myself immersed in a captivating tale of mystery and intrigue, woven around an enigmatic puzzle that held the power to unloc
I still remember the moment I first set foot in that old, nostalgic movie theater. The scent of freshly popped popcorn filled the air, and the fli
In the quiet corner of my room, amidst a pile of worn-out maps and aged travel journals, I stumbled upon a forgotten relic—a weathered compass
As the projector flickers to life and the opening credits roll, I find myself transported into the enigmatic world of Hiram Ip. It is within the r
I have always been drawn to the allure of mystery, the hidden realms that exist beneath the surface of our mundane lives. It is this fascination t
I went through a turning point in my life that gave me many important revelations and reflections. I feel a profound change and want to share my i
I, Hiram Ip, found myself immersed in a captivating tale of mystery and intrigue, woven around an enigmatic puzzle that held the power to unloc
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最可怕的不是失去生命,而是被獨自留下。「若是,你們其中之一出事了(另一個人)怎麼辦?」 但也許這也應出,我成功長大了,但並不是個快樂的孩子,或者是我是個快樂的孩子,但我並沒有辨別、感受到父母給我的愛。也許真實感受到愛的人,才有勇氣承擔養育孩子的挑戰(但是偏偏周遭很多反例)。
在《Life of Pie》,主角Pi說了兩個故事,所敘及的或不可言及為單純的二元選擇,你 / 妳選擇所相信的,此言銓與記號、意義的織纈,成就多元視角交融的廣納。是廣納生命的不可預期,亦是廣納生命的不完美,廣納那信仰神中的完美包容,此等愛的包容超越人所能給予,也唯有此,祂是神,成就你 / 妳的唯一。
我到現在還有點不太敢相信,我在3/1聽到連續五首有關DM(神聖陽性divine masucline)to DF(神聖陰性divine feminine)的歌曲之後,我半夜就突然有個感覺傳送過來,這是我第一次拿起手機要寫下不是由我的地球人格身份寫下來的訊息。這是我第一次「通到」神聖陽性的訊息(cha
Now I see myself through god’s eye.  To see that I’m not perfect but still worthy of everything I’ve ever wanted. No matter how people think I’m crazy
Throughout my tenure at Taipei City Government, I sought to actualize an open door policy and make my office a one-stop shop for all members of Taipei
今天要與各位分享的是,我生命中的寶物。 啥,不是不愛看書,只是不喜歡讀很多字?為了你們,我把私藏的詩集、漫畫甚至雜誌都搬出來了,有的一頁不費1分鐘即可完食,不准找藉口轉頭!
The Story of Elizabeth of Austria is one of the saddest in the history of royalty.
最可怕的不是失去生命,而是被獨自留下。「若是,你們其中之一出事了(另一個人)怎麼辦?」 但也許這也應出,我成功長大了,但並不是個快樂的孩子,或者是我是個快樂的孩子,但我並沒有辨別、感受到父母給我的愛。也許真實感受到愛的人,才有勇氣承擔養育孩子的挑戰(但是偏偏周遭很多反例)。
在《Life of Pie》,主角Pi說了兩個故事,所敘及的或不可言及為單純的二元選擇,你 / 妳選擇所相信的,此言銓與記號、意義的織纈,成就多元視角交融的廣納。是廣納生命的不可預期,亦是廣納生命的不完美,廣納那信仰神中的完美包容,此等愛的包容超越人所能給予,也唯有此,祂是神,成就你 / 妳的唯一。
我到現在還有點不太敢相信,我在3/1聽到連續五首有關DM(神聖陽性divine masucline)to DF(神聖陰性divine feminine)的歌曲之後,我半夜就突然有個感覺傳送過來,這是我第一次拿起手機要寫下不是由我的地球人格身份寫下來的訊息。這是我第一次「通到」神聖陽性的訊息(cha
Now I see myself through god’s eye.  To see that I’m not perfect but still worthy of everything I’ve ever wanted. No matter how people think I’m crazy
Throughout my tenure at Taipei City Government, I sought to actualize an open door policy and make my office a one-stop shop for all members of Taipei
今天要與各位分享的是,我生命中的寶物。 啥,不是不愛看書,只是不喜歡讀很多字?為了你們,我把私藏的詩集、漫畫甚至雜誌都搬出來了,有的一頁不費1分鐘即可完食,不准找藉口轉頭!
The Story of Elizabeth of Austria is one of the saddest in the history of royalty.