Barrons訪談致富心態作者|Rex 閱讀與學習

2023/08/09閱讀時間約 5 分鐘
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You think a lot about mental and emotional pitfalls. What is the biggest mistake investors make?


Not being introspective enough about what your goals and risk tolerances are. A lot of people think of investing in the same way they would think of math, where there’s one right answer for everyone. Like it doesn’t matter how old you are, where you are from, two plus two is always four for everybody. There’s no black and white law that’s like that, and a risk that is good for you to take might be terrible for me to take and vice versa.


The biggest thing is realizing that there are a million different games to play and you have to figure out the game that works for you. A lot of investors get tripped up because they start to emulate maybe somebody on TV, maybe somebody on Twitter, maybe someone in their own household, and they start playing a game that is the wrong game for them.


You often say that the point of investing is freedom, independence.


It’s a very deep-seated human desire to want to be independent—to just want to do your thing without other people telling you what to do or when to do it.

There’s a classic [Berkshire Hathaway vice chairman] Charlie Munger quote where he says, “I did not intend to get rich. I wanted to get independent. I just overshot!” You need to distinguish between those two things—rich is: “Oh, I got all this money so I can spend it on stuff,” and independent is: “I have a lot of savings and that savings affords me the opportunity to do whatever the hell I want, whenever I want to do it.” That, to me, is the ultimate goal.


伯克希爾·哈撒韋(Berkshire Hathaway)副主席查理·芒格(Charlie Munger)曾經說過一句經典的話:“我本來不是想致富,我只是想獨立。只是我超出了預期!”你需要區分這兩件事情——致富意味著:“哦,我有這麼多錢可以花在東西上”,而獨立則是:“我有很多儲蓄,這些儲蓄讓我有機會在任何時候做我想做的事情。”對我來說,這才是最終目標。

